Auto Generated Services Panel
Arts and culture Ngaa mahi toi me te ahurea
Explore Hamilton’s libraries, public art, history and heritage, and learn how we support arts and culture in the city.
Cemeteries Ngaa urupaa
Learn about our cemetery services, Hamilton’s heritage cemeteries, and search our records.
Community support and funding Kaupapa tautoko hapori me te tuku puutea
Find out about Hamilton’s communities, which community funds your group or organisation can apply for, and how to make…
Dogs and other animals Ngaa kurii me eetehi atu kararehe
Register your dog, report an animal nuisance, and learn about keeping other animals in Hamilton.
Environment and sustainability Te taiao me te toituu
Explore what we’re doing to enhance and protect the environment, and how you can play a part.
Licenses and permits Ngaa raihana me ngaa Whakaaetanga
Find out how to apply to sell alcohol or food, busk, or run a business that needs a health licence.
Parking and transport Tuunga waka me te ikiiki
Find out about transport, parking, road safety, travel planning, and moving around Hamilton safely and easily.
Parks, recreation, and community spaces Ngaa papa taakaro, ngaa mahi a te reehia, me ngaa waahi hapori
Explore the parks, sports parks, playgrounds, walkways, cycleways and community spaces we have to offer in Hamilton.
Property, rates, and building Rawa whenua, reeti, me te hanga whare
Search for property information and find out about rates, resource and building consents, compliance, development…
Strategies, plans, and projects Ngaa rautaki, ngaa mahere, me ngaa hinonga
Look at Council’s key strategies and plans, and find out how we’re putting them into action to help our city grow…
Your city Too taaone
Visit Hamilton’s top spots or run an event, learn about our work to develop the city’s economy and how to share your…
Your Council Ko taa taatou Kaunihera
Meet the people who govern or work for Council, and find out about our meetings, how to request official information…