We expect this is a very difficult time for you. We want to make this process as simple as possible so you can plan your preferred option.

We strongly encourage families to use a Funeral Director to help plan the service as they have a wide range of experience and knowledge. Your Funeral Director will help you with the legalities and take you through many of the initial steps including the registration of the death and ease the demands of arranging burials or cremations during a time of grief. You can find some Funeral Director options here.

General information on what to do to prepare for the loss of a loved one can be found on The Department of Internal Affairs Before Burial or Cremation Information Brochure or the Citizens Advice Bureau website topics on death.

If you have any questions, please contact the staff at Hamilton Park Cemetery, call 07 856 7987 between 8.30am - 4.30pm, Monday to Friday or email cemetery.admin@hcc.govt.nz



You or your Funeral Director are responsible for booking the service you require with us. Please note our office hours is 8.30 – 4.30 Monday to Friday and is closed on weekends or public holidays.

All bookings are made with our cemetery office at least 8 hours in advance.

If you are using a funeral director, they need to make the booking, so we do not receive mixed messages from multiple sources.

You need to provide the following details:

  • Full legal name and age of deceased
  • Date and time the service is required
  • Type of service required
    • See all our service facilities here
    • From the Greenwood Chapel, family and friends can choose a view charge (see the casket entering the cremator)
    • If you do not want to have a service, the family can deliver the deceased to Greenwood Chapel where the deceased is immediately transferred to the care of cemetery staff. If family are present less than 10 minutes, then the use of the Chapel is free. Otherwise the regular chapel fee applies based on time in use.

You are welcome to prepare the Park or Greenwood Chapel. For those services booked for one or more hours, preparation time is 30 minutes prior to the service start. At this time, one of our staff will be present to assist. We reserve the right to charge extra for all services that exceed the booked duration times.

Our facilities are not set up to accommodate catering or to bring in outside caterers.


You/your Funeral Director are responsible for ensuring all documents are completed and submitted to the Cemetery prior to the service.

The following forms must be completed prior to cremation and brought to us when delivering the deceased.

If no Funeral Director is involved, we recommend you supply the forms to our office as soon as possible so we can verify they are correct. If they are not, you will have time to fix errors prior to bringing the deceased to us. The cremation cannot proceed, and the casket will not be accepted by us, until all forms are complete.

We require the original forms to be brought to us on the day of cremation.

  • Form H - Register of Cremations: Family to complete details
  • Form A –Application for Cremation: Family must complete this form in full and sign in front of a witness.
  • Form B/AB – Certificate of Medical Practitioner: This must be completed in full by the doctor who has seen and identified the body after death. Please ensure the area in relation to pacemakers and other biochemical aids is completed.
  • Form F - Permission to Cremate Form: This form is signed by an authorised Medical Referee. We cannot cremate without this form being signed by a designated Medical Referee.

You can download the forms here.

Medical referees

Only those doctors appointed by the Ministry of Health to be a Medical Referee can verify the completed versions of both Form B/AB and Form A and in doing so ensure the deceased does not have a pacemaker.

Contact our cemetery office to get the details of our Medical Referees

You will need to confirm with them what other forms they may need and what their fees are and how they wish payment to be processed.

Arrival at crematorium

You/your Funeral Director are to ensure the deceased is taken to the right location in the cemetery.

If the Funeral Director is bringing the deceased without family attending, they are permitted to go to the back of the crematorium. Unauthorised public are not permitted in this area therefore the Greenwood Chapel must be booked. If family are delivering the deceased, you will not be charged for the use of this chapel if you are there less than 10 minutes, otherwise the normal service fees will apply.

We will meet with you to discuss service requirements and verify cremation forms are correctly completed and take steps to ensure the body presented for cremation is the deceased referred to in documents.

Post cremation

You/your Funeral Director are responsible for collecting ashes from us within 14 days.

Ashes must be collected from us within 14 days after the cremation. After this time, we may charge a courier fee to have the ashes sent to cremation applicant.

Normally ashes are collected by the Funeral Director from our crematorium. The Funeral Director can authorise a family member to collect ashes from our admin office.

Ashes can only be collected by family from the cemetery administration office Monday – Friday (except Public Holidays) between 8.30am and 4.00pm.

The family representative collecting the ashes must supply photo identification and sign the related collection document before accepting the ashes from our staff.

For options for our ash interments areas click here.


You/your Funeral Director must ensure all documents are completed correctly and submitted no later than one working day before the burial.

You/your Funeral Director are responsible for registering the death with Birth, Deaths and Marriages. Find out more information here.

Burials take place Monday – Saturday, but not on public holidays.

Note that all Saturday burials will automatically incur our afterhours fees. This fee will also apply during the week if our staff cannot complete their work by 4.30pm.


The following forms must be completed and brought to us to enable us to make the relevant booking.

All forms must be correct and supplied to our cemetery administration office at least 24 hours prior to the service.

If the person died of an infectious disease, you must ensure that the additional notification required by section 85 of the Health Act 1956 (in the form required by regulation 6 - Form 2 of Schedule 1 - of the Health Regulations 1966 is sent to the Medical Officer of Health.

Burial Warrant: This form gives details of the deceased, next of kin and plot location, along with date and time of burial and the casket sizes, including handle.

Medical Certificate of Cause of Death: This form, which is supplied by a GP or Coroner, is not required by us if a Funeral Director is involved in the burial. It is required if no Funeral Director is involved. This form must accompany the Casket Interment Warrant, and where applicable, the Authority to Open and the Interment and Permit Statutory Declaration.

Authority to Open: Only required if the deceased is to be buried in a used plot, or if the plot has remained empty for more than three months from the original purchase date. The person who originally purchased the plot, as indicated on cemetery records or other documents supplied by family, must provide written approval for a burial to take place in the proposed plot. A Funeral Director can sign this form once they have confirmed they have the correct plot and the person arranging the burial has the authority for that plot.

Burial Statutory Declaration: If a Funeral Director cannot sign the Authority to Open, and the person arranging the burial is not on our cemetery records as being the owner of the plot, then the Statutory Declaration will be needed. This form must be signed and stamped by a Justice of the Peace or similar legal person who has been authorised by New Zealand law to sign such documents.

Indemnity forms: Funeral Directors use this form to invoice the family directly for cemetery related expenses. As the Indemnity Form have sequential numbers, they are not available to be downloaded.

You can download the forms here.

Arrival at cemetery

You/your Funeral Director are to ensure the deceased is taken to the right location in the cemetery.

If you are having a service in one of our chapels prior to the burial, one of our staff will meet you to coordinate with you about how the service is to proceed. A staff member will be in the Park Chapel due to the complex sound system.

If no service is being held at our facilities, go directly to the plot where the burial is to take place. You will be met by a staff member. Only cemetery staff can prepare the burial plot. As part of that procedure, we will remove soil from the site. Should the family wish to backfill, then we will truck the soil back when requested by the family representative.

Our staff will supervise the backfilling and if our staff deems it unsafe for the family to do a backfill, the backfilling of a plot by the family will not be permitted.

Post burial

You/your Funeral Director are to ensure memorabilia left at the site complies with our regulations.

We endeavor to keep the cemetery looking nice and tidy for all visitors. While flowers may be placed on the plot immediately following the burial, when the plot is to be compacted and leveled, the flowers will be removed and disposed of along with items that may be a health and safety risk.

Temporary markers can only be of timber or plastic. Glass, steel or terracotta are not permitted. Please refer to our signage for further details.

To help keep our cemetery tidy, we appreciate help from you by not placing anything on the grass. Please also be respectful of the neighboring plots by not placing items on another person’s plot.

Please refer our signage at the cemetery.

Ash interments

Due to the nature of ash interments, you do not need to involve a Funeral Director. Instead contact us directly and we can help you through the process.

You will need to have a plot reserved or the details of a family plot if deceased is to join another family member before completing the required documentation.

Ash interments take place Monday – Saturday. The cemetery is closed on public holidays. The last booking time we take is 3.30pm. Any departure delays after 4.30pm may impact on the application of the after-hours fee.



The following forms must be completed and supplied to our cemetery administration office at least one working day in advance of the proposed service so we can verify they are correct. We will not confirm any booking or proceed with the interment until the forms have been completed.

Ash Interment Warrant: This form gives details of the deceased, next of kin and plot location, along with date and time of ash interment and the ash urn sizes.

Authority to Open: Only required if the deceased is to be interred in an occupied plot, or if the plot has remained empty for more than three months from the original purchase date. The person who originally purchased the plot, as indicated on cemetery records or other documents supplied by family, must provide written approval for the interment to take place in the proposed plot. A Funeral Director can sign this form once they have done confirmed they have the correct plot and the person arranging the interment has the authority for that plot.

Burial Statutory Declaration: If a Funeral Director cannot sign the Authority to Open, and the person arranging the interment is not on our cemetery records as being the owner of the plot, then the Statutory Declaration will be needed. This form must be signed and stamped by a Justice of the Peace or similar legal person who has been authorised by New Zealand law to sign such documents.

Indemnity forms: Funeral Directors use this form when they want us to invoice the family directly for cemetery related expenses. As the Indemnity Forms have sequential numbers, they are not available to be downloaded.

You can download the forms here.

Ash urns

Please advise us of the urn measurements at the time of booking. This detail is not required if ashes are to be spread or being placed within a granite wall.

When ashes are to be placed in the ground, containers should not exceed 330mm x 205mm x 180mm. Larger containers may impact the capacity of the plot.

You can choose to remove ashes from their urn and place the ashes loose in the ground or keep them inside the bag, which is then placed in the plot.

If the ashes go into our granite ash walls, they must be transferred into a cylinder urn before interment. The ashes are then placed inside the wall niche.

Arrival at cemetery

You/your Funeral Director are to ensure the deceased is taken to the right location in the cemetery.

If you are having a service in one of our chapels prior to the ash interment, our staff will meet you to coordinate with your requirements.

Otherwise go directly to the plot where the interment is to take place.

We will have the plot prepared prior to your arrival where you place the ashes in the plot. You can choose to cover the ashes with the soil we leave in containers at the plot. On completion, our staff will return to complete the interment.

For the granite walls, you can place the ashes in the niche, and we will install the plaque while you are still there to seal in the ashes.


You/your Funeral Director are responsible for ensuring the casket complies with our requirements. See Hamilton City Cemeteries and Crematorium Bylaw 2024.


To be cremated on our premises the casket must follow these requirements:

  • Caskets should not exceed 2200mm in length, 840mm in width and 440mm in depth.
  • Caskets must be made of readily combustible materials approved by Hamilton Park Cemetery. Glass, lead or iron are not permitted.
  • We accept caskets made of willow, cardboard or wicker. The bottom of the casket must be fitted with a timber base with a minimum thickness of 12mm.
  • Caskets must be lined with a waterproof liner that covers the bottom of the casket and stapled up the sides of the casket to hold it in place and stop leakage.
  • Caskets can not contain any materials such as:
    • alcohol
    • batteries
    • pitch
    • hardhats or crash helmets
    • lighters
    • polystyrene foams
    • metal based products
    • motorcycle leathers
    • glass or bottles of liquid
    • wetsuits or surfboards
    • rubber, plastic or PVC based products
    • sawdust
    • explosive material such as ammunition
    • medical appliances including pacemakers
    • tools
    • electronic equipment such as cell phones, radios or computers
    • aerosol or any flammable containers
    • fireworks.

We have the right to decline to cremate any casket comprised of materials that may result in a breach of our Resource Consent or may be a health and safety hazard for the cremator. Shrouds are not allowed due to compliance with Health and Safety requirements.


An adult casket should not exceed 820mm wide, 610mm in depth and 2130mm in length. If it does exceed, please advise Cemetery Management at least eight hours in advance so arrangements can be made.

If a child’s casket is too large for a plot in the children’s section, it shall be buried single depth only in an adult area at fees applicable for a child’s plot and burial.

Plot purchasing

If you wish to reserve a plot, we recommend you visit Hamilton Park Cemetery Monday to Friday 8.30am – 3.30pm so we can show you the options available. Plots can be purchased well in advance of the burial or ash interment but must be selected at least one working day before the proposed interment or burial.

Please note that if a plot remains unused after 60 years from the original purchase date, then the family’s reservation is automatically cancelled without any further communication from Council.

Choosing a plot

To choose a burial plot, contact our Cemetery Office to ensure there are no burials happening at the time you expect to arrive.

To choose an ash plot, an appointment is not required so just visit our office during our regular office hours.

We will have one of our team go with you, to advise you which plots are available. We will also discuss the plot capacity, memorabilia options. You will also need to come no later than 3.30pm Monday – Friday and not on public holidays.

If you are unable to come and choose a plot, we can allocate one for you, but we need to know your preference for headstone type and, if applicable, what you want to happen to the ashes as shown above. Alternatively, you can contact our office to discuss your needs.

All cemetery related fees relating to the plot and/or deceased must be paid in full before we approve any headstone permits.

Embalming and transportation of deceased

You/your Funeral Director are responsible to embalm and transport the deceased in line with health and safety statutory requirements

Embalming is not essential if the body is kept cool and with a quick turnaround. If you are not using a Funeral Director to transport or prepare the deceased for cremation or burial, you must comply with the legislative requirements relating to handling and transporting the deceased in Part 7 of the Health Regulations 1946.

Fees and payments

You/your Funeral Director are responsible for paying invoices in full by the 20th of the month following the date of invoice and to ensure full payment is made to Hamilton City Council

Please contact the Cemetery Administration Office or follow our link to our fees list to confirm current prices. A non-Funeral Director fee may apply in circumstances where additional support is required by Cemetery staff.

We will process the invoice either:

  • within a few days of the service if invoicing Funerals Directors or Estates
  • between 5 - 10 days if invoicing the family.

See our services and fees here.

Please note Council does not accept term payments and all cemetery costs must be paid in full before we will approve any memorial application and installation. Only the plot purchase can be paid in advance of the burial or ash interment. The burial digging fees and other related costs are not invoiced until at least the day of the placement and cannot be prepaid.

Financial aid may be available through WINZ Funeral Grants or ACC Funeral Grants.


All the services offered by Hamilton Park Cemetery are guided by legislation and process and there will be particular forms which must be completed.

Our team or your Funeral Director will be able to advise you on which forms you will need to complete.

If you don't see a form here that you need, contact the staff at Hamilton Park Cemetery, call 07 856 7987 between 8.30am - 4.30pm, Monday to Friday or email cemetery.admin@hcc.govt.nz.

Other service providers

Funeral directors

We have direct contact and well-established relationships with many of the region's funeral directors.

Ana-Maria Funeral Services

82 Grey Street, Hamilton 

021 881 229 

Broadway Funeral Homes

10 Short Street, Matamata 

07 888 8333 

Grinter's Funeral Home

3 Hallys Lane, Cambridge 

07 827 6037 

Haven Funeral Services

32 William Street, Huntly 

07 828 7629 

James R Hill Funeral Directors

97 Tuhikaramea Road, Hamilton

07 855 5541 

Pellows Funeral Directors

138 Grey Street, Hamilton 

07 856 5129 

Rosetown Funeral Home

262 Ohaupo Road, Te Awamutu 

07 870 2137 

Seddon Park Funeral Home

49 Seddon Road, Hamilton 

07 846 1561 

Legacy Funerals Cambridge

2 Albert Street, Cambridge

07 827 7649

Legacy Funerals Hamilton

513 Anglesea Street, Hamilton

07 834 0373

Simplicity Funeral Home

388 Wairere Drive, Hamilton

07 847 6851

Simply Cremations

388 Wairere Drive, Hamilton

0800 920 222

South Waikato Funeral Services 

Commerce Street, 

PO Box 459, Tokoroa 

07 886 5160 

Taumarunui Funeral Services 

34 Huia Street, PO Box 198, Taumarunui 

07 895 7420 pathorton@xtra.co.nz 

Te Awamutu Funeral Services 

570 Alexandra Street, 

PO Box 137, Te Awamutu 

07 871 5131 

V J Williams & Sons

PO Box 241, Te Kuiti 

07 878 6100 

Chinese Funeral Services

42A Marshmeadow Road, 


07 856 1111 

Waterson Funeral Services

6 Tamihana St, Matamata 

07 888 8632 

Woolerton’s Funeral Home 

8F Railside Place, Dinsdale, Hamilton 

07 855 1878 


For a permanent headstone or memorial, contact a monumental mason familiar with our cemetery regulations. 

Artline Memorials

188 Morrinsville Road 

Hamilton ​

07 856 7878​


25 Euclid Avenue   

07 849 3814​

Creative Stone


3 - 778 Heaphy Terrace 

Hamilton ​3240

07 855 2580



Haven Memorial Services


32 William Street 

Huntly ​

07 828 7629​

The Memorial Company Ltd


2 Queen Street, Kopu       

Thames 3578


07 869 0321

Waikato Stonecraft


Cnr Cobham Drive 

& Galloway Street 

Hamilton ​

07 856 6411 

0800 443 237​

Wayne Rae


558A Ruakura Road     

Hamilton 3286

027 485 3362

Contact us

Hamilton Park Cemetery
395 Morrinsville Rd

07 856 7987


The administration office (to the right of the Chapel) is open 8.30am - 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.​

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Last updated 5 July 2024