Fund snapshot

The aim of the Fund is to support waste minimisation projects which encourage community participation and education and/or are of benefit to the community of Hamilton and lead to long-term waste minimisation action and behaviour change.

Supporting projects with this aim will help reduce waste to landfill and help achieve the vision, goals and objectives of the Waste Plan.

The Fund has $50,000 to distribute annually with one funding round per year. Applicants can apply for one of two options:

  • Standard funding – minimum $1000 maximum $5000.
  • Special projects – minimum $5000 maximum $15,000.

The Fund is contestable, with each application assessed on its merits on a case-by-case basis by an Application Assessment Panel.

Who can apply?

Community groups, businesses, Iwi/Maaori organisations, educational institutions and other community-based organisations operating within Hamilton or whose aims and outcomes are for the benefit of the Hamilton community. Personal bank accounts are not permitted.

Fund criteria:

  • focus on the reduction of waste
  • focus on reuse, recycling and recovery of waste and diverted materials
  • lead to measurable waste minimisation outcomes
  • take place within Hamilton or be for the benefit of the Hamilton community
  • use the funds accordingly within 12 months of offering applicants a grant
  • be from a legal entity or fall under an umbrella legal entity
  • align with the vision, goals and objectives of Hamilton City Councils Waste Management and Minimisation Plan (WMMP 2018-2024).

Although new waste minimisation activities are encouraged, an expansion of scope, or activity may be considered.

Application criteria

The following core criteria will be used to assess all applications:

Strategic alignment

  • Projects must align with the vision, goals and objectives of Hamilton City Council's Waste Management and Minimisation Plan (WMMP 2018-2024).

Waste minimisation

  • Projects must reduce waste to landfill and/or target priority waste streams.

Community participation and/or community benefit

  • Projects should encourage community participation and education.
  • Projects must result in tangible community benefit.


  • Projects must reduce harm to the environment.
  • Projects should be designed to be ongoing and become self-supporting.
  • Project proposals which seek to build on existing initiatives must show clearly how they will add extra value and further progress the initiative.
  • Projects must not undermine existing initiatives or other funded proposals.


  • The objectives of the project must be clear.
  • The objectives must be measurable.
  • The project must demonstrate the likelihood of success.

The application

1. Application process, guidelines and help

Once you're ready to apply, you'll need to register on Smartygrants first, then follow the guidelines to complete your application. This will set out what you need before you apply.

There are many help options available through online guides and video tutorials when you are logged into the Smartygrants platform.

When filling in the application please ensure you:

  • Answer all questions on the application form as failure to do so may lead to a delay in processing your application.
  • Include all requested attachments and clearly identify all additional material.
  • Supply a bank account in the name of the organisation and proof of financial stability through annual or audited accounts.
  • Supply evidence of the costs for which you're applying. This includes quotations, copies of product advertisements for which funding is sought, reports and budgets etc. Verbal quotes are not accepted.
  • If applicants are GST registered, GST must not be included in the breakdown of project costs. If applicants are not GST registered, Council will make the necessary adjustments to the funding application.
  • Complete the checklist at the end of the form to make sure you have included all the necessary information.

2. When and how you can expect to hear back from us

You will receive an email to confirm we have received your application.

Your application will then be assessed by the Voluntary Application Assessment Panel against the assessment criteria.

The panel comprises of five members, two Council staff members, two external community members and one Hamilton City Council Councillor.

The panel will make recommendations as to successful applicants and award amounts in the form of a report which will go to Council senior management for approval.

3. Allocation of grant and reporting requirements

Successful applicants are required to provide a grant agreement form and accountability report after 12 months which will include receipt of all payments. The accountability report will be on Smarty Grants ready to complete at least one months prior to the due date.

Please note, where outcomes and measurable benefits can only be observed after 12 months, an additional completion report may also be required at the most appropriate time in consultation with the applicant.

All applicants will be advised in writing.

Previous recipients


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Last updated 23 October 2024