Who are our Rainbow community?
LGBTTQIA+ people in the Waikato region represent 4.5% of the region’s population, around one in 20 people, an estimated 16,600 people in total (HHES 2021).
Statistics New Zealand’s latest Household Economic Survey defined LGBTTQIA+ people as those aged 18 years and over who reported a gender that was not male or female, reported a sexual identity that was not heterosexual, or who reported a gender that did not match what was recorded for their sex at birth. This survey did not capture data on the New Zealand intersex population.
Just to put that number of 16,600 into perspective, Seddon Park has a crowd capacity of 10,000 and FMG Stadium holds 25,000. That’s a lot of people in the stands! We want all Rainbow and LGBTTQIA+ people in Hamilton and the Waikato region to realise their aspirations. To support this, we:
• provide advice and support to the city's Rainbow organisations
• uphold policies to create a Rainbow inclusive workplace for Hamilton City Council staff
• have the Rainbow Tick certification
• enable Rainbow people and the organisations that support them to connect and collaborate.
We use the acronym LGBTTQIA+ to represent the diverse identities within the Rainbow community. Each letter represents a different aspect of identity, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Takatāpui, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual or Ace. The + recognises there are further identities not listed.
Whether you’re new to Hamilton or not, you’ll find some useful overviews here of Hamilton City and its people, and the community support and funding provided by Hamilton City Council.
Your city’s future
Planning and strategy
• Our Community and Social Development Strategy 2021–2026 (He Rautaki Whakawhanake Hapori) encompasses the needs of our diverse communities. One of its outcomes is high community use in our places and services because they are easy to use, safe and welcoming to everyone.
• Council’s wellbeing strategy, He Pou Manawa Ora – Pillars of Wellbeing, sets out how Council will work with others using the pillars (pou) of history, unity, prosperity and restoration to build a proud and inclusive city for the wellbeing of all its people.
• Our Welcoming Plan has an overarching goal of ensuring all Hamiltonians get the most out of their community and the opportunities Hamilton can offer. You can also contribute to updates in the plan – see information about the plan in welcoming communities.
Strategies and plans
Getting involved in Council decision-making
We want to make sure that Rainbow and LGBTTQIA+ people and the organisations that support them have a voice in Council decision-making.
• See share your voice for more details of open consultations.
• Join our panel, Voice of Hamilton Kirikiriroa to have your say in improving the wellbeing of Hamiltonians.
• To find out more about how you can have input into developing the capacity of Rainbow and LGBTTQIA+ communities in Hamilton, contact us using the details below or send us an email.
Getting involved in your community
Council supports a variety of events and provides venues and facilities where all Hamiltonians can connect and/or collaborate as individuals or groups.
Getting out and about
Our city also has some great public spaces and places everyone can enjoy – find a sportsground, park, or cycleway near you. We also have a wide range of community halls and centres that are great places to celebrate, collaborate and connect.
Find and book a community venue for your next meeting or event in Hamilton.
Community network meetings
If you’re keen to get involved with your local community, head along to one of Hamilton’s regular community network meetings (north, Rototuna, east, south, west, and the Hamilton City network meetings). These are for everyone who lives in Hamilton, including those who have recently moved to the city.
Community groups
Connect with Hamilton’s Rainbow and LGBTTQIA+ groups and networks.
Flat Out Pride
Weekly LGBTQIA+ media from Hamilton, made with the support of NZ on Air and part of CAMA Community Access Media Alliance.
Hamilton Pride
Your hosts for events and celebration during Pride Month every year.
Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura
A community-based research group dedicated to building Rainbow communities in Aotearoa free of family, partner, and sexual violence.
Rainbow Hub Waikato
The team provide training, education, social support, and resources for Rainbow people, allies, schools, and workplaces.
Rainbow Alliance
The Rainbow staff/student alliance is a group for staff and students and provides a forum for networking, discussion, and progression of takatāpui and LGBTIQ+ issues.
The Āniwaniwa Alliance: Wintec
The Big Qs
The Big Qs creates a safe and uplifting environment to discuss the fears and joys of coming out, how to navigate this journey with family and friends, and more.
The Glow Singers
The Glow Singers are a bunch of diverse LGBTIIQ singers in Hamilton that love to sing.
UniQ Waikato: LGBTQIA+ Support Club at Waikato
Waikato Gender Research Network
A cross-discipline collective of staff and students within the University of Waikato who have a shared commitment to considering issues such as gender, sexuality, race, class, identities, feminism, difference, exclusion, and social justice.
Waikato Queer Women (beyond the binary)
A social group for all self-identifying lesbian, bi/pan, queer, asexual, questioning women, trans women, takatāpui/whakawahine, non-binary/genderfluid people wishing to access women-centred events, and for those whose gender identity includes woman some or all of the time.
Waikato Rainbow Wellbeing Network
A network of professionals and community workers in the Waikato region who identify as Rainbow and Takataapui, and who want to support their own communities in the context of the work they are doing. Sign up to receive their newsletter.
Last updated 24 July 2024