Understanding fees and charges

Before a new connection can be made:

  • full payment is needed
  • Development Contributions (where applicable) must be paid. 

If you have made variations to planned connections since Council approved your plans, any extra costs must be paid by you. 

All “by quote” work includes a Council overhead component of between 4-6%
Stormwater and Wastewater connections
100mm Stormwater and Wastewater on Private Property by quote
100mm Stormwater and Wastewater in the Transport Corridor by quote
150mm Stormwater and Wastewater on Private Property by quote
150mm Stormwater and Wastewater in the Transport Corridor by quote
Water connections
Single service connection, 20mm by quote
Single service connection, 25mm by quote
Service connection , 50mm (multi unit residential only) by quote
Single metered, 20 mm by quote
Single metered, 25 mm by quote
Single metered, 50 mm by quote
Multi, 2*20 mm by quote
Multi, 3*20 mm by quote
Multi, 4*20 mm by quote
Water connections 50mm or greater - additional charges
Bacteria testing $384.00
Pressure testing $318.00

Submit your application

Max file size: 300 MB; Allowed extensions: pdf,doc,docx


Property type

An invoice for the work will be sent once this application has been processed. Please provide the details of the person or entity to be invoiced.

Please select the water connections needed

Please select the wastewater connections needed

Please select the stormwater connections needed

Max file size: 5 MB; Allowed extensions: pdf


What to expect from us

When processing your application we will:

  • check for approved engineering plans
  • determine the cost of the proposed works
  • provide a quote for you to review and accept
  • send you an invoice
  • create a work(s) order for the work to be undertaken.

We will aim to complete the work within 8 weeks of receipt of payment.

A site visit may be required, and an invoice for the New Connection Application and Processing Fee and the connection work will be sent to the nominated person or company once the application has been approved.

Full payment is required before connections are made.Connections will not be made until Development Contributions (where applicable) have been paid in full, except in very limited circumstances.

If any changes to the connections are made as a result of information not supplied to Council in the application or on the approved plan, the applicant will need to cover these additional costs.

All quotes provided are valid for 30 days, and you may need to pay an increased fee if your payment is made after the 30-day period.

Next steps

All water and fire main connections 50mm and greater require water sample bacterial and pressure testing. To book inspections, sampling, and test witnessing, please email or phone 07 959 9036 to arrange an appointment.

If needed, Consent to Enter needs to be provided to Council before connections are made.

You may require a Trade Waste consent if you meet one of the following:

  • You are an industrial or commercial activity.
  • You have commercial cooking facilities onsite.
  • You undertake other activities that require Trade Waste Consent under the Trade Waste Bylaw.

Related pages

Trade waste applications

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Resource consents

Learn about resource consent, when you need one, and how to apply.

Three waters

Learn about the systems that look after Hamilton’s drinking water, stormwater, and wastewater (the ‘three waters’).

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Last updated 15 March 2023