Read the checklist first
Reporting aggressive dogs and dog attacks helps keep everyone in our community safe. This also helps us monitor any dog control issues more closely.
1. Is someone hurt?
Only call 111 if seriously hurt – otherwise go to your GP/A&E/Medical Centre and call Animal Education and Control on 07 838 6632.
2. Does the animal pose an urgent safety concern for the public?
Please call Animal Education and Control 24/7 on 07 838 6632.
3. Does the issue meet any of the following criteria?
If your issue meets on of the following criteria, then please call us.
- A dog has attacked a person or animal.
- A dog is roaming freely in my neighbourhood.
- A dog has acted aggressively towards a person or animal.
- An aggressive dog keeps escaping or leaning over my fence.
What happens next?
When a dog attack has occurred, or a dog is aggressive or roaming, Council may take the following actions.
If it is urgent or in an attack, an Animal Education and Control Officer will attend and then may:
- seize the dog
- issue an infringement notice to the owner
- file a prosecution (if the offence or harm is significant)
- classify the dog as dangerous or menacing (if it has not been already)
- remove and impound the dog while a court decision is made.
Last updated 11 July 2023