Step 1 - YOU

Got a suggestion for how we can make our footpaths or biking and micro-mobility network safer?

Send an email to and Customer Services will forward it to the right team within Council.


Noticed a general maintenance issue such as overgrown vegetation on a footpath path, glass in a cycle lane or a damaged sign on a shared path?

Download the free Antenno app and notify us while you're out and about.


Have you experienced a near miss or been involved in a minor incident while out walking or wheeling your way around Hamilton?

Help us create a safer city for people to move around in by completing our incident form below. For any serious incidents or examples of poor driver behaviour (including verbal altercations), please contact NZ Police directly.

Step 2 - YOU

What was your involvement in the incident?

Which option(s) best describes who/what else was involved in the incident?

Do you wish to be contacted by Hamilton City Council about this incident?

Max file size: 300 MB; Allowed extensions: pdf,jpg,jpeg,png

Step 3 - COUNCIL

What happens once I've completed the incident form?

Reports are regularly reviewed by our City Transportation Unit as part of our commitment as a Council to a Vision Zero goal for road safety. The information provided contributes to an ongoing process of assessing safety risks and prioritising network improvements as part of our Low Cost Low Risk Programme and Biking and Micro-mobility Programme. The prioritisation of improvements is important as we can't deliver everything we want to at once.

When a network improvement is selected to be prioritised, the incident report information will be used alongside data already collected by our City Transportation Unit, such as traffic counts and vehicle speeds, to determine the types of improvements that are required. This could be anything from a cycleway or reduced speed limit through to cycle wands or a raised safety platform.

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Last updated 27 July 2023