If you’re carrying out activities on a construction or work site, or holding an event, you need to make sure that what you are doing (and how the area is set up) doesn’t stop people from safely using the footpath and other public spaces near the site. This applies even if the footpath or berm is not officially part of your works or event site. 

If you can’t ensure this, then you must request Corridor access. You may also need to apply for a Traffic Management Plan (TMP).

Corridor Access Requests aim to make sure that vehicles and pedestrians can move through, around or past an activity on a road reserve safely and easily. All excavation and activities carried out within the road corridor must be carried out in accordance with the National Code of Practice for Utilities Operators Access to the Transport Corridors and the Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management. We have a requirement under the Local Government Act to manage people working on the road, particularly utility network operators working within the road reserves. Before you carry out any works, check cable locations in and around your proposed dig site.

Traffic Management Plans help vehicles and pedestrians move through, around, or past an activity on a road reserve safely and easily. They usually include a plan and pictures of the area. TMPs are developed in line with Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency's Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management and are prepared by a contractor with the appropriate qualifications and specialist skills relevant to temporary traffic management.

Requests are not made directly to Council, but we are involved in the process.

Fees you might encounter

Corridor Access Requests (CAR)
Access to carry out any work within road corridor - Refer to Utility Code of Practice for definitions
Application fee - Project Lump sum per application $1,076.00
Application fee - Major Lump sum per application $685.00
Application fee - Minor Lump sum per application $348.00
Application fee - Bundling Up to 20 Minor residential applications per month $1,076.00
Non Notification Penalty Fee per hour $500.00
Site Inspections per hour $133.00
Event Road Closure Advertising Actual costs
Non Excavations (tree Trimming, Cross arm replacements, Events, Round the Bridges, Scaffolding, building maintenance, etc) $328.00
Council Projects/Contracts (CERF, LCLR, 3 Waters connections etc) Waipa Civil, GT Civil, Base Civil just as examples $646.00 or $1,015.00
New Developments connections $328.00 or $646.00
Generic TMP's $328.00
CAR Extensions $32.00
CAR Cancellations $125.00
Non Notification of commencement of works $32.00
Non Notification of completion of works $32.00
Auditing of TM for Compliance (1 non compliance included in fee then a charge of $125.00 per hour should apply $125.00
Vehicle Crossings $84.00

What criteria do I need to consider?

1. Are your works taking place near a footpath or public space?

You will need to comply with the following requirements:

  • Ensure the footpath is safe and usable for pedestrians (particularly for pushchairs, wheelchairs and mobility scooters). Footpath access is available via minimum footpath widths of 1.7m in the central city area, and 1.2m in other Hamilton streets.   
  • Place cones and cone bars around your work area to separate it from people moving past the area (this is a minimum requirement – you are welcome to place additional safety equipment in the area).
  • Do not allow vehicles related to the works/activity/event to use any of the footpath or berm areas to park on or unload materials.
  • No heavy or large machinery is to be used in any part of the footpath area, e.g. cranes, diggers, etc.
  • No excavation can be carried out (i.e. digging) in any part of the footpath. 
  • The work, activity or event period that requires use of the area is no more than three days.
  • No overhead structural work occurs in any part of the public space or footpath.   
  • If you have vehicles needing to cross the footpath and berm to access the site, make sure they don’t damage anything or create a health and safety issue.

If your activity or event cannot meet any of the criteria outlined above you will need to provision for the use of footpath space as part of your Corridor Access Request

2. Does your work involve working near cable locations?

Before you carry out any works, check cable locations in and around your proposed dig site.

  • BeforeUdig is a free online service for anyone undertaking excavation works that will help you locate cables, as well as pipes and other utility assets.
  • Register with BeforeUdig to request the information you need.
  • Council offers a free cable location service for contractors carrying out works at or near traffic signals or other key locations where we have these cables. This includes locating traffic loops in the road surface and footpath. Some old service plans may also be available.

3. Are you carrying out an activity, work, excavation or event within a road reserve?

You'll need to make a Corridor Access Request to get approval to do this. There is a separate process for activities that involve excavation works and those that don't.

  • Hamilton has significant parking sensor technology invested in the CBD and work such as resealing, kerb and channel, road maintenance or street light replacements in this area can impact this technology.
  • For major works or projects, please ensure your application is lodged with us at least 15 days before the start date of your works, activity or event.
  • For minor works, you need to ensure your application is lodged with us at least five days in advance.
  • To request corridor access on State Highways outside the city's boundaries, please contact Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency.
  • Read our general conditions and local conditions related to corridor access requests.

Corridor Access Requests in special paving areas

All four of the following requirements should be met in relation to special paving areas:

  • be reinstated by a specialist contractor once the works are finished
  • be reinstated to match the area's original standard, with the same quality, texture, type, colour and material of the existing pavement and minimal visible evidence of the trench reinstatement
  • have the whole panel replaced, where the paving was previously laid out in panels
  • match any special treatments used in the existing construction (e.g. geogrid membranes, chip seal, high friction surface, grooved asphaltic concrete).

As part of your request and/or application, you will need to upload a plan of the work and how you intend to cater for pedestrians in accordance with the code of temporary traffic management.

Depending on your works’ activities and size, you may also have to apply for a Traffic Management Plan (TMP).


If you are flying over a road corridor you will need to request corridor access and have public liability insurance and CAA certification.

You should also:


4. Do you need to close a road or restrict vehicle access?

Any work or activity, including events, which happen within a road reserve must be controlled by an approved Traffic Management Plan (TMP). Traffic Management Plans help vehicles and pedestrians move through, around, or past an activity on a road reserve safely and easily. They usually include a plan and pictures of the area. TMPs are developed in line with Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency’s Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management and are prepared by a contractor with the appropriate qualifications and specialist skills relevant to temporary traffic management.

  • If you are a private individual carrying out works/activity/an event, then you will need to employ a traffic management company or have a suitably-qualified person prepare your Traffic Management Plan.
  • A Corridor Access Request is also required as part of the permissions needed to carry out your activity or event in a road reserve area.
  • If you need to close a road for an activity (such as an event) then you will need to submit your TMP at least 90 days before the event. A closure legally requires public advertising, notification letters and signage. 

The documents below can be used to help you develop your Traffic Management Plan.

Step 2: You

Make your request

If you are carrying out an excavation or work within the road reserve, the Corridor Access Request (CAR) system must be used and you will need to apply for a Traffic Management Plan and submit it via beforeudig.co.nz


If there is no excavation planned as part of your work, i.e. events within the road reserve, you will need to apply for a Traffic Management Plan and submit it via corridoraccess.co.nz

Corridor Access Request

 You can also apply through Submitica for excavations and non excavations and events and Road Closures.


Step 3: Council

What happens next

Once your request has been received, we’ll work with you through the various stages until the request is signed off.

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Last updated 16 August 2022