Step 1: You
What you need to know
Depending on the proposed location of your sign, contact:
- Council for signage in and around the city, including street name signage, except for those on State Highways running through the city.
- Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency for signage on state highways outside the city’s boundaries.
- The relevant district council for signage on rural roads near Hamilton, but outside the city boundaries.
Amenity signs
These are used where street name signs provide less than adequate directions to certain public amenities, for example, a community hall. These look similar to street name signs, except they have blue lettering on white background (or white on brown for amenities with significant tourist activity).
We try to limit these signs to those that are really needed to avoid too much visual clutter. If you’d like this type of sign in your area, make a request and we’ll be in touch to discuss it with you. If your request is approved, you’ll need to cover our cost of creating and installing the sign, and any maintenance or repairs it might require in the future.
Signs marking private lanes or right of ways
These belong to the property owners. We can create them, but we don't maintain them. These signs have blue lettering on a white background (standard street name signs have the colours the other way around). You'll need to cover the cost of making the sign and you'll be responsible for its maintenance.
Street name signs
We are responsible for naming streets, and creating and installing street signs. You can however, make a request for a street sign to be created or changed.
Advertising signs
Talk to our CitySafe team first, as there are several requirements and permissions related to these and you'll need to find out what applies in relation to your request. For example, if you are paying for and installing an advertising sign to be sited within a public place (which includes the road reserve then you will need to get permission for its installation and placement. See our Public Places Bylaw 2016 which sets out the requirements for any signage proposed in a public place. As installing advertising signage may also be classified as a Permitted Activity under Council's District Plan, you may also need a resource consent.
If you're wanting to install an advertising sign on a State Highway running through the city, check out this information first before discussing your request with Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency.
Fees you might encounter
Costs for new signs are indicative and may vary depending on the type of request.
Supply and install sign name plate/pole and socket | $350.75 (inclusive of GST) |
Supply and install double sided sign name plate/pole and socket | $373.75 (inclusive of GST) |
Supply and install steel pole and socket | $195.00 (inclusive of GST) |
Supply sign only - place on existing pole | $202.40 (inclusive of GST) |
Step 2: You
Request your signage
Step 3: Council
What happens next
We’ll be in touch with you to discuss your signage application and any costs involved. If your request is approved, you’ll receive an invoice for the costs involved (if applicable). We’ll create, install and/or maintain any approved signs we are responsible for.
Our Connect Hamilton team will also create approved private lane or amenity signs and let you know when they are ready to pick up from Council, or whether we’ll also install them. If your advertising sign has been approved, the creation and installation process will be carried out by you and your approved contractor.
Last updated 12 July 2022