Climate change is a complex issue, which means we can’t solve it with just one solution. We do need to reduce our emissions, but it’s equally important that we prepare for the changes ahead.

We need to ensure that Hamilton Kirikiriroa is resilient and can adapt to the changing climate, so we can minimise the impact on our city and our community.

Our Climate Future: Te Pae Tawhiti o Kirikiriroa

This is our long-term strategy to address climate change. It sets the vision for Hamilton as a thriving, low-carbon city that responds and adapts to climate change. There are three key outcomes we need to achieve:

  1. By acting together, our emissions are reducing
  2. Our neighbourhoods enable low-carbon living
  3. Our city is ready for Hamilton’s climate

Hamilton's emissions targets

  • Emissions peak by 2025 at the very latest

  • Reduce emissions by 30% by 2030

  • Reduce emissions by 82% by 2050

Council's emissions targets

To show leadership as a Council, we’re aiming to reduce our operational emissions by 50% by 2030, and to reach net zero emissions by 2050.

Our plan for 2022/23

This document outlines the steps we will take over this financial year (2022-23), to begin delivering on our vision ‘Hamilton Kirikiriroa is a thriving, low-carbon city that responds and adapts to climate change’ and to build a solid foundation for developing our action plan.

Climate Change Policy

The Climate Change Policy is a commitment to embedding climate change impacts into Council decision-making, projects and business cases. It means that when we start a new piece of work, we’ll assess whether it will increase or decrease our emissions, and whether it could be impacted by our need to adapt to the climate risks ahead.

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Last updated 28 September 2023