Do you need an event permit?

An event permit ensures both your event and the safety of attendees is prioritised. You need a permit to host an event in a public park or space in Hamilton, especially when having any of the below:

  • inflatables e.g. bouncy castle
  • amusement devices
  • food for sale, free or fundraising
  • amplified sound e.g PA system
  • music
  • marquee
  • stage
  • road closure.

Step 1: You

What you need to know

Types of events

There are three types of events from low-impact (requiring fewer supporting documents) to high-impact (more permits and licences will be required).

Low-impact event

Please submit your application a minimum of 20 working days prior to your event

No food vendors or trading

Minimal infrastructure

No road closure

No amplified sound.

Medium-impact event (one or more of the following)

Please submit your application a minimum of 30 working days prior to your event

Food and beverage

Trading or fundraising

P.A or amplified sound

Moderate infrastructure

High-impact event (one or more of the following)

Please submit your application a minimum of 90 working days prior to your event

Road closures, including partial closures and/or footpaths

Major infrastructure


What documents will I need?

Every event requires the following documents.

  • a site plan
  • an event programme
  • your health and safety plan
  • a waste management plan

Our team will assess your application first and, depending on your event impact, you may need to provide the following documentation before your event is permitted:

  • Public liability insurance
  • Food vendor registration
  • Public place permits
  • Traffic management plan/Corridor Access request
  • Building consent
  • Resource consent
  • Alcohol/Special licence

Our team will be in touch to help you through this.



Step 2: You

Submit your application

Event impact

For medium and high impact events the event organiser details must match the details listed on your public liability insurance.

Contact(s) on the day


What you can expect from us

Low impact events

We will view your event application and get in contact with you if we require any additional information within 20 working days.

Medium and high impact events

Once we receive your event application, we will send you an email outlining the information we require to permit your event, the templates you will need to complete and the date that you will need to have everything returned to us by.
We may request more documentation if required.

What next?

Our team will assess your application first and will be in touch if you need to provide further information. Here's what you might need:

If you are having food vendors, you will need to provide more details about your food vendors using the form below

If you are having a stall, craft or trading activities at your event you will need to apply for a public place permit.

Apply for a public place permit

Any event affecting the roads and footpaths (there are some exceptions) must have an approved Traffic Management Plan.

If you wish to close a road for an event then you will need to submit your Traffic Management Plan at least 90 days before the event as a closure legally requires public advertising, notification letters, and signage.

Apply for a Traffic Management Plan

As part of your event organisation, you must always maintain safe and unimpeded access for the public along the footpath or public space. If you can't meet the safety criteria, apply for a Corridor Access Request.

Apply for a Corridor Access Request

If you’re having a temporary structure such as a marquee or stage at your event you may need building consent these applications can take up to 20 working days to process and decide on any conditions.

Check the criteria

If you are expecting more than 3000 attendees, you may require a resource consent.

Check the criteria

If you're selling alcohol, you'll need an alcohol licence.

Apply for it

If you are supplying alcohol with no sale, you'll need a special license. These must be lodged at least 20 working days before your event is held. For large events, please lodge applications at least 30 working days before.

Apply for it

Final steps

Once your event application is approved we’ll book your public space, send your event permit, and be in touch with any further information.

Frequently asked questions

What are the fees and charges to use or hire a park or open space around the city?

Bonds (refundable if no damage occurs)
Park Use/Event $100 - $5000
Community Hire of Parks
Up to one hectare for non-sporting event
Half Day (up to 5 hours) $38.00
Full Day (over 5 hours) $55.00
Wedding $235.00
Dog Obedience Lawns (Melville & Bristol Parks)
Per Day of the Week
one year $325.00
Hire of Parks by a Commercial Interest for an Event
Any other sporting or non-sporting activity hosted on a park by a commercial interest.
Events using over 500m2 per day $300.00
Events using under 500m2 per day $55.00
Hire of Parks for a Charge Event $750.00
Mobile Trader
Administration fee for new applications in relation to mobile traders $150.00
Mobile traders per booking $35.00
Key Deposit $32.00
Pest Trap $22.00




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Last updated 7 December 2022