Parking off the street

Off-street parking in central Hamilton is a mix of free, time-limited parking and metered parking via ‘pay and display’. A limited number of mobility parking spaces are also available off-street.

Customers visiting our Garden Place offices in the central city can also park for a short time for free in the Council car park on Anglesea Street behind the main building.
Council’s paid parking (all on-street and some off-street) is free on Sundays and public holidays.

Get guidelines about freedom camping in Hamilton.

Council’s off-street parking

Off-street paid parking facilities offered by us are:

  • The Garden Place underground car park off Anglesea Street
  • Parking behind the Waikato Museum
  • Parking behind the Meteor Theatre
  • At Founders Theatre.

Paid parking in these areas applies only during the hours noted on signage at these locations – outside of these hours, parking is free.

If you are using one of our off-street car parking facilities, you will need to either pay for your parking upfront and display a ticket on your dashboard or collect a ticket on your way in and pay when you leave. Use cash or your debit/credit card for these machines. In some cases, you can use the Pay My Park app.

Off-street all-day and casual paid parking is available at our Sonning Street car park on the east side of the Waikato River, Claudelands. There are also some streets where all-day paid parking is available.

Download the Pay My Park app

Commercial off-street car parking facilities

Paid parking in the central city is also provided off-street by shopping complexes in the central city and some independent parking buildings and spaces. These include:

  • Knox Street car park building
  • The Warehouse car park
  • Parking above Centre Place shopping mall (entrance off Bryce Street)
  • Various Wilson-operated car parking areas in and around the central city.

These are privately managed and any tickets issued at these facilities are not issued by Hamilton City Council.

Free off-street parking is provided by a wide range of businesses in the central city if you are using that business’s services.

Fees, charges and parking durations

Here’s a list of parking-related fees for Council-operated car parks.

Off-street car park facilities
Founders Theatre Car Park
Machine closed 5pm.
Per hour $2.00
All day rate $7.00
Reserved monthly rate $150.00
Garden Place Car Park Building
Up to 20 Minutes Weekday Free
Up to 20 Minutes Weekend Free
Casual Rate Up to 1 hour if stayed beyond 20 minutes $2.00
Casual Rate 1-2 hours $4.50
Casual Rate 2-3 hours $6.50
Casual Rate 3-4 hours $8.50
Casual Rate 4-5 hours $13.00
Casual Rate 5-6 hours $16.00
Casual Rate More than 6 hours $20.00
Weekend Rate Up to 1 hour if stayed beyond 20 minutes $2.00
Weekend Rate 1-2 hours $4.50
Weekend Rate More than 2 hours $6.00
Overnight charge - entry after 5pm & leave before 7:30am $5.00
Lost Ticket $35.00
Kent Street
Reserved monthly rate $35.00
Meteor Theatre Car Park
Machine closed 5pm.
Per hour $2.00
All day rate $7.00
Reserved monthly rate $150.00
Museum Car Park
Machine closed 5pm.
Up to 1 hour $2.00
3 hours maximum $5.00
Reserved monthly rate $150.00
Opoia Pa Car Park
Flat rate all day fee $7.00
Reserved monthly rate $140.00
Old Mill Street Car Park
Old Mill Street car park is currently free. Fees will be introduced in 2025, please look at street signs for any changes.
Pay by App only Demand Responsive Parking (DRP) from 1 October 2024. DRP must be reviewed and may be adjusted no less than 3 monthly and no more than annually. DRP adjustments no less than $0.50 and no more than $3.00. DRP $6.00 to $12.00

Parking infringement and towage fee increases

Central Government is increasing the parking infringement and towage fees across New Zealand from 1 October 2024. 

It's important every driver understands the Government's changes and continues to follow the parking rules to avoid any fine.


Click to read the Government's announcement. 

Click for a list of fee increases.

For more information on where you cannot park, visit NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA)

Related pages

On-street parking

Where to park and how much it costs in central Hamilton. 

Pay a parking ticket

Pay parking tickets and fines, and enquire about or appeal a ticket issue.

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Last updated 25 September 2024