Is your car locked in?

Call us on 07 838 6699 and our team can come and let you out. 

A $40 fee will apply for the callout.

Call us

Carparks at our parks are open every day from 6am and closed from 6pm in the winter and 8pm in the summer. 

Our team locks the parks from these times so please aim to have your car out of the carpark by the earliest closing time to avoid being locked in.

If you are locked in give us a call on 07 838 6699, and our team will come and let you out.

A $40 fee will apply for the call out.

Afterhours access

This includes our sports parks, if you have club training or matches please talk to your club about afterhours access.  

Parking infringement and towage fee increases

Central Government is increasing the parking infringement and towage fees across New Zealand from 1 October 2024. 

It's important every driver understands the Government's changes and continues to follow the parking rules to avoid any fine.


Click to read the Government's announcement. 

Click for a list of fee increases.

For more information on where you cannot park, visit NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA)

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Last updated 27 March 2023