Micro-mobility devices

These include manual and electric bicycles, scooters and skateboards, and mobility scooters for people with disabilities. E-scooters and e-skateboards (including those for hire) have become an attractive and affordable transport option for people to get around our city. Micro-mobility devices help reduce traffic congestion and pollution too.

They’re an important part of our current transport projects and future planning, alongside walking, public transport and driving. Our Biking and Micro-mobility Programme also helps to inform our Long-Term Plan, Biking Connectivity Programme, Eastern Pathways, and other projects and strategies.

We provide high-vis vests free to the public to use when riding a micro-mobility device.

Pick up a vest from our Customer Services team:

Hamilton City Council
260 Anglesea Street
Hamilton 3240
Te Kete Aronui
Rototuna Library
30 North City Road

Local operators and conditions

E-scooters, e-bikes

Hamilton has one personal hire devices/e-scooter and e-bike company operating in the city:

You can use your smartphone to download the app from the App Store or Google Play, then sign up/register using the app. The app – and the devices – have instructions on them outlining how to hire the device. The apps usually have local maps showing ‘no riding’ and ‘no parking’ areas where these devices can’t be parked or used in the city. If your device malfunctions, contact the provider using the info on the device or on your provider’s app.

  • Make sure you’re following the rules and guidelines for their safe use – see our safety tips below.

If you’d like to find out more about applying for a permit to operate personal hire micro-mobility devices in Hamilton, take a look at our information for operators.

Mobility scooters

Mobility scooters are usually bought or rented through private companies, provided through disability-related or aged care organisations, or through private and public health providers. Get in touch with these providers directly for details.


Where you can go

In general

Scooters, skateboards (whether electric or not), and mobility scooters can travel anywhere on footpaths, river pathways, and in parks within Hamilton city (except specific areas as noted on maps available through personal hire device providers’ websites and apps). E-bikes can travel on roads, in designated cycle lanes, and through bus lanes – and can also travel on shared pathways and river pathways.

You’ll need to keep your speed to 15 km/h or below in most areas, although if you’re riding on the road you’ll need to keep to the posted speed limit or below.

You cannot ride in a bus lane unless you are riding an e-bike.

Make sure you’re following the rules and guidelines for their safe use – see our safety tips below.

Shared zones

These are where vehicles, people on bikes or micro-mobility devices, and pedestrians, share the same space. The Worley Place shared zone in the central city runs from the top of Ward Street through Garden Place and into Alexandra Street. Be cautious when moving through this area. Vehicles and people on bikes or micro-mobility devices are allowed to travel slowly through it (without stopping) but they must give way to pedestrians.

Bike riders and people using micro-mobility devices using shared zones should also use their bike bell or call out when approaching walkers from behind.

Crossing the road

There are several kinds of road crossings, including pedestrian (‘zebra’) crossings, courtesy crossings and electronic push-button crossings at traffic lights. It’s important to know how to use each kind of crossing properly and safely – and that applies equally to pedestrians, people on bikes, people on micro-mobility devices, and motorists.

Find out more about safely crossing the road.

In Hamilton parks and on the river paths

People on bikes, walkers and people using micro-mobility devices are expected to share the paths with care. Keep to the left of the paths, especially on corners, so other riders and others on wheels can pass safely. Stay alert, especially if you have headphones on. Dogs should be on a leash.

Bike riders and people using micro-mobility devices should also use their bike bell or call out when approaching walkers from behind. Racing, mountain biking and any biking activity involving speed in these areas is not permitted.

Safety tips

If you see an issue with people using a micro-mobility device, you can report it here. If the issue is urgent and/or endangering the safety of the user or others in the area, phone our City Safe team on 0800 723 324.

  • If you’re using an e-bike, learn the rules of the road by reading the Cyclist Code.
  • Use proper hand signals - see Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency for a refresher on signalling.
  • You must wear a helmet when biking (including on an e-bike), and we strongly encourage you to use a helmet when using scooters or skateboards, whether they are electric or not
  • If you have provided your own safety helmet and reflective clothing, check that they are fitted properly.
  • Stick to one rider per device.
  • Make sure you can be seen – wear a high vis vest and have working front and rear lights on your bike or device.
  • Do a pre-ride check - check your chassis and tyres, and check that your brakes and lights work.
  • Watch for car doors opening, pedestrians, potholes and left-turning vehicles, and blind spots around parked cars and corners. If you’re riding your micro-mobility device on the footpath, watch for people on foot or on other devices.
  • Be predictable – keep left, ride in a straight line, and use your bell or call out to let others know you’re behind them.
  • If you’re riding on a road, keep as far to the left as possible and don’t exceed the posted speed limit.
  • Slow down near parked or queued vehicles, give way to pedestrians, pass slowly, and ride with courtesy. In particular, don’t exceed 15 km/h in parks or along river pathways.
  • Ensure you have room in front if you need to stop suddenly, and be aware that it will take some time to stop if you are going downhill.
  • ​Park your device with safety in mind – park it upright, don’t park it against fences, buildings or on private property, and don’t block pathways and accessways (parking them near lampposts or signposts is a good way to keep other areas clear).
  • Most personal hire devices providers provide maps on their websites and/or through their apps which show designated ‘no parking’ areas and ‘no riding’ areas, where these devices should not be parked or used. Check out your provider’s maps for Hamilton.
  • Be alert for any road surface, animal, road user or weather hazards that may affect your journey – see Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency’s information on traffic and travel information.

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Last updated 29 June 2022