These include manual and electric bicycles, scooters and skateboards, and mobility scooters for people with disabilities. E-scooters and e-skateboards (including those for hire) have become an attractive and affordable transport option for people to get around our city. Micro-mobility devices help reduce traffic congestion and pollution too.
They’re an important part of our current transport projects and future planning, alongside walking, public transport and driving. Our Biking and Micro-mobility Programme also helps to inform our Long-Term Plan, Biking Connectivity Programme, Eastern Pathways, and other projects and strategies.
We provide high-vis vests free to the public to use when riding a micro-mobility device.
Pick up a vest from our Customer Services team:
Hamilton City Council
260 Anglesea Street
Hamilton 3240Te Kete Aronui
Rototuna Library
30 North City RoadLocal operators and conditions
E-scooters, e-bikes
Hamilton has one personal hire devices/e-scooter and e-bike company operating in the city:
You can use your smartphone to download the app from the App Store or Google Play, then sign up/register using the app. The app – and the devices – have instructions on them outlining how to hire the device. The apps usually have local maps showing ‘no riding’ and ‘no parking’ areas where these devices can’t be parked or used in the city. If your device malfunctions, contact the provider using the info on the device or on your provider’s app.
- Make sure you’re following the rules and guidelines for their safe use – see our safety tips below.
If you’d like to find out more about applying for a permit to operate personal hire micro-mobility devices in Hamilton, take a look at our information for operators.
Mobility scooters
Mobility scooters are usually bought or rented through private companies, provided through disability-related or aged care organisations, or through private and public health providers. Get in touch with these providers directly for details.