Exeter Park
Exeter Park is a relatively small neighbourhood park with mature trees planted along the boundaries between residential…
Suburb: Glenview
Greensboro Park
Greensboro Park has a path running through its centre, connecting Knighton Road (and the university) to the residential…
Suburb: Hamilton East
Hukanui Oaks
Hukanui Oaks reserve is a small strip of land with a row of large mature oak trees, and London plane trees.
Suburb: Chedworth
Karaka Park
Karaka Park is a small neighbourhood reserve with a walkway between the residential surroundings.
Suburb: Nawton
Morrow Avenue Walkway
Morrow Avenue provides a walkway that starts from Totara Park to the east, to Mooney Avenue walkway in the west, then…
Suburb: Te Rapa
Norris Ward Park
Norris Ward Park provides a buffer between the adjoining residential area and the central city, and is part of…
Suburb: Hamilton Central
Sandhurst Place Reserve
Sandhurst Place Reserve is a small park providing a walkway between Aldershot Place and Sandhurst Place.
Suburb: Nawton
Snell Drive Walkway
Snell Drive Walkway is a small, flat park providing a walkway between streets.
Suburb: Chartwell
Taitua Arboretum
Taitua Arboretum is home to an impressive selection of mature trees spread across 22 hectares.
Suburb: Temple View
Till’s Lookout
A park reserve with sweeping views of the city and Mt Pirongia.
Suburb: Dinsdale