Property Rawa whenua
Search for a property, get land information, or request a LIM.
Rates Ngaa reeti
Discover how rates are calculated and learn about payment options and remissions.
Resource consents Whakaaetanga rawa
Learn about resource consent, when you need one, and how to apply.
Building consents and information Whakaaetanga whare me ngaa paarongo
Discover what you need to do before applying for building consent, when you need one, and how to apply.
Compliance He tautuku
Learn about property compliance, building WoFs, swimming pool standards, and earthquake-prone buildings.
Development contributions Ngaa taapaetanga whakawhanake
Understand and estimate your development contributions, challenge a development contribution charge, or request a…
Water services Ngaa ratonga wai
Set up a water connection, apply for a trade waste consent, get plumbing and drainage advice, and pay water rates.
District Plan Te mahere aa-rohe
Explore our guiding planning document governing the way Hamilton looks and feels.
Last updated 7 July 2022