Regional Infrastructure Technical Specifications (RITS)
The Regional Infrastructure Technical Specification (RITS) is a document that sets out how to design and construct…
Dangerous and insanitary buildings
We’re committed to making our city safe. One way we do this is by making sure local buildings don’t pose any danger…
Building warrant of fitness (BWoF)
Understand your ongoing responsibilities as a building owner to make sure your building is safe.
Swimming pool monitoring
Understand your safety responsibilities as a pool owner and learn about our inspections.
Apply for a certificate of acceptance
Find out what to do for work done without a building consent if the work complies with the Building Code.
Earthquake-prone buildings
Understand the earthquake-prone building process, and find out what to do if your building is, or may be, earthquake…
Report unauthorised building work
Find out what to do if you know or suspect building work has not received Council consent.
Apply for a vehicle crossing
A vehicle crossing is a connection between a property and a public road.
Three waters management
View the on lot management requirements to meet the District Plan and Regional Infrastructure Technical Specifications.
Public space design guidelines
The central city of Hamilton Kirikiriroa is undergoing massive growth and change. The purpose of the Public Space…
Kodiak Consulting Limited
Council has been notified a member of Engineering New Zealand, who is not a Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng…
Last updated 7 July 2022