Before you request a refund, remission or special assessment
Please first refer to the relevant section of the applicable Development Contributions Policy:
- Section 19 of Council’s Development Contributions Policy: ‘Refunds’
- Section 18 of Council’s Development Contributions Policy: ‘Remissions’
- Section 17 of Council’s Development Contributions Policy: ‘Special Assessment’.
Step 1: You
Before you request a refund of your development contribution, please first refer to:
- Development Contributions Policy Section 19: 'Refunds'
We may provide a refund of development contribution site credits if you can demonstrate:
- the development contributions were required and paid on subdivision consent (“original payment”) and gave rise to the site credits
- the site credits have never been exercised
- Code Compliance Certificate has been issued for the development on the site
- the gross floor area of the development exceeds 20% of the site area
- the refund applicant is the current land owner.
Any refund will be paid to the person who made the original payment.
Step 2: You
Step 3 - Council
What happens next?
Your application will be reviewed by a Development Contributions Office (DCO) and will be responded to within 10 working days.
If we need any more information we will reach out as soon as possible.
Last updated 29 June 2022