Before you request a refund, remission or special assessment
Please first refer to the relevant section of the applicable Development Contributions Policy:
- Section 19 of Council’s Development Contributions Policy: ‘Refunds’
- Section 18 of Council’s Development Contributions Policy: ‘Remissions’
- Section 17 of Council’s Development Contributions Policy: ‘Special Assessment’.
Step 1 - YOU
Developments may be eligible for a remission of 50% to development on Maaori land, and for the development of purpose built papakaainga on any land at our discretion.
In the first instance, please refer to section 6 for the definitions of Maaori land and papakaainga, and section 18 for the full remission criteria.
Step 2 - You
Step 3 - COUNCIL
Your application will be reviewed by Council staff and a decision will be issued in due course.
If we need any information, we will reach out as soon as possible.
Last updated 4 July 2024