Type of flood information
Is it included on the Operative District Plan (2017) planning maps?
How you can see or get the information
Earthworks Area
Significant earthworks have occurred that mean that the mapped flooding within this area is no longer reliable. The flooding may be remodelled in the future to update the flood information.
On Floodviewer
100-year Flood Hazard
This layer shows the flood hazard that is predicted to occur on average once in 100 years. This hazard has a 1% probability of occurring in any year. Any flood water shallower than 10cm is not shown because it is not considered a significant hazard. Flood hazards are shown as low, medium, or high.
"Yes" for some areas, "no" for others. To determine which, you will need to compare the 100-year flood information on Floodviewer for your area of interest with the flood hazard mapping in the District Plan. The next column to the right shows how to see or get that information.
- All available 100-year flood information (including that in the District Plan) is shown on Floodviewer.
- Flood hazard mapping included in the District Plan can be viewed on the Features Map of the District Plan GIS Map Viewer – click here.
Detailed 100-year flood hazard data for individual properties
For each 2m x 2m area of a property the following information for a 100-year flood is available:
- Flood hazard categories (low, medium and high)
- Maximum flood depth
- Maximum flood velocity
- Design flood level.
On request Council can supply these for areas where flood modelling has been completed.
These maps may be requested by:
100-year Flood Extent
This layer shows the full extent of flooding likely to occur on average once in 100 years. This flooding has a 1% probability of occurring in any year and includes flooding less than 10cm deep.
Currently this information is only available for parts of the city.
On Floodviewer
100-year Waikato River Flood Area
This information is provided by Waikato Regional Council to show the extent of Waikato River flooding likely to occur on average once in 100 years.
Only the depth of flood water is used to determine the flood hazard.
- On Floodviewer
- On the Features Map on the left-hand side of the District Plan GIS Map Viewer – click here; or
- On the Waikato Regional Hazards Portal – click here – on the "River Flooding" tab – see "Waipa and Waikato 1% AEP flood extent"
Design flood levels for the Waikato River
The locations of surveyed cross-sections and their identification numbers and a form for requesting the design flood level at a cross-section.
On the Waikato Regional Hazards Portal – click here – on the "River flooding" tab
Karapiro dam break
The predicted extent and depth of flooding if Karapiro Dam were to break
On the Waikato Regional Hazards Portal– click here – on the "Karapiro dam break" tab
Drainage scheme boundaries
Waikato Regional Council's drainage scheme boundaries
On the Waikato Regional Hazards Portal– click here – on the "Flood management" tab
Temple View Flood Hazard Area
These areas are susceptible to flooding associated with small-scale farm dams and secondary flow paths that are part of the Waipa Flood Prevention Scheme. The extent of this hazard area is based on a 100-year event.
On the Features Map of the District Plan GIS Map Viewer – click here.
Culvert Block Flood Hazard Area
This applies upstream of significant culverts in the gully system. It represents the maximum effect of a culvert becoming blocked and water backing up the gully until it eventually flows over the accessway or road above the culvert.
On the Features Map of the District Plan GIS Map Viewer – click here
Flood hazard maps included in the District Plan
Flood hazard mapping included in the District Plan is based on computer modelling. In the near term, no development is expected to change it. In some areas, the flood hazard mapping included in the District Plan has been superseded by more recent flood modelling that has yet to be included in the District Plan. In all instances, the best available information will be that shown on Floodviewer.
To determine whether the flood hazard mapping for your area of interest has been superseded, you will need to compare the two sets of flood hazard information or contact Council at 838 6699.
The boundary of the area modelled is shown as a dashed line labelled "Flood Hazard Subcatchment Boundary" on the District Plan planning maps.
- On Floodviewer
- On the Features Map on the left-hand side of the District Plan GIS Map Viewer – click here.
- Detailed flood hazard maps for individual lots showing the design flood level and maximum flood depth and velocity on each 2m by 2m grid are available on request from the Council: phone 07 838 6618 or email districtplan@hcc.govt.nz.
Ground contours from LIDAR data
LiDAR stands for "Light Detection and Ranging". It is an aerial surveying method that measures distance to the ground by illuminating the ground with laser light and measuring the reflected light with a sensor. LiDAR works in a similar way to radar and sonar, but uses light waves from a laser, instead of radio or sound waves. LiDAR data is used to create ground surface maps, such as contour maps, and digital terrain models that are used for flood modelling.
- On Floodviewer
- The ground contour data is available from the Council on request. A time-based charge may apply. Email your request to: gis@hcc.govt.nz.