More transport choice
Like with many growing cities, getting around can become harder and harder as the city becomes more populated and denser. We’re proposing some changes to provide more transport choice to support higher density housing, including walking, cycling, scootering and public transport.
These changes will begin the process of setting the city up to meet the demands of the future. While it won’t suddenly transform the city overnight, over the coming decades it will help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve the look, feel and safety of city streets and make it easier to get around the city.

Proposed changes include:
- making new roads and footpaths wider to fit landscaping, stormwater devices, separated cycle lanes, public transport and parking spaces
- a requirement for developers to implement travel plans. Travel plans prioritise a range of transport options, not just cars
- further assessment on the effects of greenhouse gas emissions when applying for a resource consent
- new requirements for managing the storage and collection of rubbish and recycling for residents’ convenience and to protect the look and safety of streets
- cycle and scooter parking, gear lockers and changing facilities as part of developments
- providing recharging points for electric vehicles at home.
Last updated 23 August 2022