Council publicly notified Plan Change 13: Te Rapa Racecourse under the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) on Wednesday 15 February and submissions closed on 15 March 2023.

A summary of submissions and copies of original submissions are now available.

Further submissions were opened from 13 April 2023 and closed on 28 April 2023.

The hearings for Plan Change 13 have been scheduled for Wednesday 23 August to Friday 25 August.


View the proposed changes on our e-plan

What’s Private Plan Change 13?

Waikato Racing Club Incorporated have requested a change to Hamilton’s District Plan to rezone around 6ha or the Te Rapa Racecourse to allow for housing. The land is no longer required to operate the Club and provides an opportunity to contribute more housing to the city.

The key changes include:

  • Changing the zone from Major Facilities to Medium Density Residential to allow for a mix of housing.

  • Change the zone from Major Facilties to Industrial for 1100m2 along Te Rapa Road to Industrial Zone.

  • Identifying some of the site as a low flood hazard area.

  • Adding additional rules to help manage potential noise effects from the racecourse on future housing.

  • Adding landscaping requirements around the future industrial-zoned sites.

When is this happening?

15 Feb 2023

Submissions open

15 Mar 2023

Submissions close

April 2023

Summary of submissions released and call for further submissions open




Notification of the Plan Change decision and the Plan Change becomes operative.


Hearing Sessions





What's a private plan change?

Private plan changes can be used to change or introduce new rules into the District Plan to do things like rezone land or list heritage buildings. Anyone can request a private plan change.

All private plan changes are required to go through public notification, submissions and hearings processes, including the right of appeal to the Environment Court. Council manages the administration of this.

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Last updated 15 February 2023