Step 1: Floodviewer

Check out Floodviewer and take note of any flood impacts on the property (there may be multiple).

See Floodviewer

How to use floodviewer

Step 2

Choose the activity you want to do, and then review the rules for each of the flood impacts on your property. Please note results are subject to compliance with all other relevant standards. This tool is indicative only and shouldn’t be taken as advice.

I want to

The property is in a


No additional rules apply.


You must maintain the entry and exit points of water and ensure the amount of floodwater leaving the site remains the same.


No additional rules apply.


Discretionary resource consent is required.

Vacant lots must be able to accommodate a building platform free from a flood hazard area, as below:

  • General residential zone: 165m2 (or a 12.5m diameter circle)
  • Medium and high density residential zones: 720m2 (or a 15x20m rectangle)


Discretionary resource consent is required.

Vacant lots must be able to accommodate a building platform free from a flood hazard area, as below:

  • General residential zone: 165m2 (or a 12.5m diameter circle)
  • Medium and high density residential zones: 720m2 (or a 15x20m rectangle)


Discretionary resource consent is required.

Vacant lots must be able to accommodate a building platform free from a flood hazard area, as below:

  • General residential zone: 165m2 (or a 12.5m diameter circle)
  • Medium and high density residential zones: 720m2 (or a 15x20m rectangle)


Permitted activity subject to standards in Chapter 22 – Natural Hazards of Plan Change 14. Must comply with minimum floor levels.


Permitted activity. However, you must maintain the entry and exit points of water and ensure the amount of floodwater leaving the site remains the same.


Resource consent is needed if changing to:

  • Childcare facility
  • Community centre
  • Tertiary education or special training facility
  • Healthcare facility or hospital
  • School
  • Retirement village
  • Emergency services
  • Lifeline utilities (check with Council)
  • Regionally significant infrastructure (check with Council)

If none of those, it is a permitted activity.


Permitted activity subject to standards in Chapter 22 – Natural Hazards of Plan Change 14.


Resource consent is needed.

Requirements vary by activity and flood hazard area, please check Plan Change 14.


Resource consent is needed.

Requirements vary by activity and flood hazard area, please check Plan Change 14.


Permitted activity, provided minimum floor level is 150mm above the flood level.


Permitted activity. However, you must maintain the entry and exit points of water and ensure the amount of floodwater leaving the site remains the same.


Resource consent is needed if the intended use is:

  • Childcare facility
  • Community centre
  • Tertiary education or special training facility
  • Healthcare facility or hospital
  • School
  • Retirement village
  • Emergency services
  • Lifeline utilities (check with Council)
  • Regionally significant infrastructure (check with Council)

If none of those, it is a permitted activity.


Permitted activity, minimum floor levels apply.

  • Minimum 500mm for residential buildings, visitor accommodation, childcare and healthcare buildings.
  • Minimum 300mm for non-residential buildings (including industrial and commercial).
  • Minimum 200mm for non-habitable residential buildings and detached garages.

Habitable (e.g. bedrooms, living room, kitchen) extensions/alterations to existing residential buildings which should not be below the existing floor level.

Non-habitable (e.g. laundry, garage) extensions to existing residential buildings. Detached garages and accessory buildings.

Your building or alteration cannot displace water.


Restricted discretionary activity, resource consent required.


No change. Resource consent required for a non-complying activity.


This form provides a simplified view of Plan Change 14, and is designed to help you understand the proposed changes and how they may affect your property. It does not include previously existing rules in the Operative District Plan, of which all development must comply. Please refer to the full Plan Change 14 for a more detailed view of the changes.

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Last updated 11 December 2024