Historic Heritage Areas (HHA) represent a period of Hamilton's development and help tell our story. They give people a glimpse into our past and where we've come from.

We currently have five special character and historic heritage areas identified in our District Plan, Frankton Railway Village, Hamilton East, Hayes Paddock, Claudelands West and Temple View Heritage Area. 

Through Plan Change 9 we've reassessed the five currently listed areas and completed a city-wide assessment to identify all areas that meet the necessary HHA criteria (as outlined below in the FAQs). Through this work we're proposing a total of 32 HHAs be added to our District Plan. This includes some refinements to those already listed areas.

Click here to see a map that shows where the historic heritage areas are that we're proposing be added to our District Plan. 

How have the historic heritage areas been identified and assessed?

With the help of technical experts we've looked at all the potential historic heritage areas and assessed them against a set of criteria to decide if they should, or shouldn't, be included in our District Plan.

The assessment used the following criteria:

  • Are they presenting a period of development that has historic heritage significance in the development of the city? including:
    • Early establishment of a service town
    • Railway workers suburbs
    • Comprehensive state housing schemes and Garden Suburbs, controlled by the State Advances Corporation
    • The Construction Company Era (1960s)
    • The dominance of the private car and changing suburban form (1970s)

  • Are they displaying consistency in physical and visual qualities? The qualities are:
    • A consistent Street/Block Layout
    • Consistent Street Design, including street trees, berms, carriageways and other planting within the street
    • Consistency in Lot Size, Dimensions and Development Density, including shape and size of lots
    • Consistent Lot Layout, including the position of buildings on lots, the dominance of car parking, and landscape and tree planting within the lot
    • The Topography and Green Structure of the area and the response to this in terms of the design and layout for the site
    • Consistency of styles of Architecture and Building Typologies, including overall shape, form and material
    • Consistency in Street Frontage Treatments, such as walls, fences and planting

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PC9 thmb

Are HHAs completely protected from intensification?

Being listed as an HHA in our District Plan does not mean there will be no intensification. The District Plan adds an extra layer of consideration and protection of the historic heritage values of these identified areas, for example, people can still apply consents for duplexes and apartment developments.

What does it mean if my property is listed as being in a historic heritage area?

Properties that are listed in the District Plan as being within a HHA will be protected from significant intensification, inappropriate design that may degrade the areas heritage value and have restrictions in place that prevent certain housing types from being built. If you have any questions or enquires relating to Plan Change 9, please contact planchange@hcc.govt.nz.

Example: Requirements:
Alterations and additions to an existing building on a front, corner and through site within an HHA Consent required
Demolition of existing structures and building on a front, corner or through site within an HHA Consent required
Construction of fences and walls Consent required
Relocated buildings Consent required
Alterations and additions to an existing building on a rear site within an HHA No consent required
Demolition of existing building on a rear site within an HHA No consent required
Ancillary residential structures, excluding fences and walls No consent required

If you are unsure whether your work requires a resource consent under the current District Plan, you can always contact our Duty Planner for general planning guidance enquiries. Please contact the duty planner weekdays 8am – 4.45pm Email: planning.guidance@hcc.govt.nz

What’s changing for Special Residential, Special Heritage and Temple View zones?

Due to the statutory limitation, all existing underlying zonings of the HHAs will remain the same as part of this plan change. The existing rules, which can be found under Chapter 5.3 of the Operative District Plan, will continue to apply and you must follow them. If your property is listed within an HHA there will be additional rules within the District Plan that you must follow.

Nevertheless, Council is also working on a Plan Change, known as Plan Change 12, to respond to the government's National Policy Statement on Urban Development. As part of Plan Change 12, we will be looking at the appropriate zoning for the majority of residential areas across the city, including the ones within the HHAs. More details on Plan Change 12 will be available to public in the near future.

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Last updated 8 July 2022