Rates are a charge on a property, not a property owner. If you are buying or selling a property, you must let us know.
The ratepayer of a property is the person named in our rating information database and the district valuation roll as the property owner. This must be the person/s on the certificate of title.
1. When buying a property:
- Have your solicitor identify any outstanding rates and negotiate the sale accordingly.
- If you receive an invoice for overdue rates on your new property, contact your solicitor to resolve this with the previous owners.
- Settle any outstanding rates immediately to avoid further penalties.
2. When selling a property:
- Make sure all outstanding rates are paid prior to sale.
- Let us know of a change of ownership within one month of the property sale. Advise your solicitor to issue the appropriate notification as soon as possible.
- We will cancel any direct debit transfers once we are informed.
Last updated 13 June 2022