Step 1: YOU

What you need to know

Plans change, and you may want to make changes to or cancel conditions on your resource consent (under section 127 of the Resource Management Act).

Changes to an existing consent

If your resource consent has already been granted, you’ll need to complete an application form and pay a fee. It’s a similar process to getting the resource consent in the first place but the focus is on the changes.

Apply to change or cancel conditions of a resource consent

To apply to change or cancel the conditions of your resource consent, you must provide:

  • plans that clearly show the changes proposed
  • an Assessment of Environmental Effects relating to the change
  • written approval of anyone considered affected by the change.

Note: If your application was publicly notified, contact Council to discuss the requirements for written approval.

If your consent application is being processed, contact our Planning team to discuss your proposed changes.

Fees you can expect

Land use related applications are subject to the following non refundable deposits as per application type.

Any actual or reasonable costs including, additional planning assessment and administration time spent beyond that covered by the deposits will be charged at the relevant hourly rates
Other Land-Use Related Applications
Change or Cancellation of Consent Condition $1,603.00
Subdivision related applications are subject to the following non refundable deposits as per application type.

Any actual or reasonable costs including, additional planning assessment and administration time spent beyond that covered by the deposits will be charged at the relevant hourly rates
Other Subdivision Related Applications
Change or Cancellation of Consent Condition $1,602.00

How to pay

Payment can be made by cash, EFTPOS or credit card. To pay by direct credit please:

Pay to 02-0316-0030142-006
Particulars: Planning
Code: Name of applicant
Reference: Address of application.

Step 2: YOU

Max file size: 300 MB; Allowed extensions: pdf,doc,docx


What you can expect from us

Your application will be processed within the statutory timeframe. However, if we need more information from you, your assessment may take longer and you may be charged extra fees.

We’ll review your application documents for completeness, consider your application and make a decision.

If we assess that the activity or effects of the change or cancellation to be materially different from the approved resource consent, you may need to make a new resource consent application.


Possible outcomes

1. Approved

If your changes are approved, we’ll issue you with a decision reflecting the changes. All other details, including the date the consent lapses, stay the same.

2. Declined

If your changes are declined, we'll issue you with a decision reflecting the reasons. All other details, including the date the consent lapses, stay the same.


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Last updated 17 June 2022