What are resource consent conditions?
If Council grants your consent, there may be conditions you need to comply with. Conditions on resource consents are imposed under section 108 of the Resource Management Act to help manage environmental effects. They include standards, terms, restrictions, or prohibitions that are specified in a consent following the approval of the consent.
Conditions can be made about things like:
- the design or appearance of a structure
- landscaping
- hours of operation.
Why are they important?
Conditions can help make sure any effects on the environment are avoided, remediated, or mitigated if/when they occur.
Monitoring resource consent conditions
We will monitor your site to make sure you are complying with conditions. We may also require you to monitor conditions yourself.
To comply with resource consent conditions you may need to:
- let us know when works start
- complete work within set timeframes
- let us know when steps have been taken
- have certain activities signed off by Council staff
- stick to Council-set limits on some activities.
Got questions? Contact us
Last updated 5 July 2022