Stage 1: Obtain a Resource Consent to Subdivide
Liquefaction Desktop Study
Development Contributions
Pursuant to the Local Government Act 2002 and Council’s Development Contributions Policy, all subdivision consents lodged with Council will undergo an assessment for development contributions.
Find out general information on development contributions
Prior to lodgement please contact Council's Development Contributions Team on (07) 838 6739 or to determine whether a development contribution is applicable to your development and /or for an estimate of the development contributions charge.
Stage 2: Obtain pre-certification approvals
Submit engineering and design plans for approval
Engineering and landscaping plans can be submitted to or dropped into the Duty Planner, at the main Municipal Building 8am – 4.45pm Monday to Friday.
Advise of timing of physical works construction & estimated completion
Advising Council of when your physical works is due to commence and the estimated month of completion enables us to schedule in site visits for quality assurance – saving you time in the long run. It also helps to prepare us for any complaints that may arise resulting from construction such as dust or noise.
Attend a physical works clearance pre-application meeting
A Physical Works Clearance Pre-Application meeting is required for any subdivision that will be constructing public infrastructure. It's an opportunity to meet with a Hamilton City Council Development Engineer, Parks Planner and any other specialists to review and discuss your documentation prior to applying for clearance.
Request a meeting via
Apply for physical works clearances
All engineering and physical works must be approved by Council as meeting conditions specified in the resource consent, prior to approval of subdivision certification.
Our qualified team members will visit your site to inspect your engineering and landscaping physical works and, if no remedial works are required, will issue you with a Physical Works Clearance Certificate within 10 business days.
Certification can be applied for during physical works provided a bond is paid for. A refund can be applied for once outstanding physical works are completed.
Stage 3: Apply for subdivision certification (including s223, s224c)
Applications for subdivision certification will take 10 working days to approve (pending payment of all fees).
Prior to applying for s224c you will need to have obtained all pre-certification approvals including:
- A Physical Works Clearance Certificate (or proof of bond)
- Documentation that shows all conditions specified in the subdivision resource consent have been met
Applications will not be accepted until all of the above items have been met.
Last updated 25 July 2022