Showing 1-10 of 41 results
Councils claim local government review timid and out of sync
Hamilton and Tauranga City Councils are banding together to air their disappointment with the draft report from the Future for Local Government Review Panel.
Week on our streets
This page has information on events, projects and major works requiring lane or road closures in Hamilton Kirikiriroa.
Contemporary Maaori art showcased in new exhibition
An exhibition of artworks that bridge the divide between traditional Maaori cultural skills and modern art practice opens at Waikato Museum on 28 November and is a North Island exclusive.
Floodlights replacement set to commence at Seddon Park
Work to replace sports floodlighting at Seddon Park begins on 8 April.
Housing changes delayed for Hamilton
Changes to Hamilton's housing rules will take a little longer, while the city considers how new flooding information will impact the city.
Gully system biggest winner in wastewater upgrade
A gully system in Fairfield will be better off thanks to wastewater upgrades Hamilton City Council has planned for the area.
Education trailblazer recognised with civic honour
Susan Hassall's contribution to New Zealand's education sector and to the learning of boys is immense.
No cause for concern after slightly elevated levels of arsenic detected in treated Waikato River water
Hamilton City Council's water supply remains safe for drinking, bathing and cleaning, following test results which showed small increases in the level of arsenic present.
Confirmation water supply remains safe in Hamilton
The Water Services Authority – Taumata Arowai (New Zealand's water services regulator) has confirmed Hamilton's drinking water is safe for normal usage, as the Council and some other water users along the Waikato River respond to slightly elevated levels of arsenic.
Funding hurdles, a new Pak n Save, and rubbish served up on today's Infrastructure and Transport pre-Christmas menu
With a truckload of topics in 2024's last meeting of Hamilton City Council's Infrastructure and Transport Committee, its foot remained firmly on the throttle regarding several decisions.