Showing 471-480 of 533 results
Councils ownership structure and fluoride in the water supply Ref: 280914/2022
Final response / LGOIMA
PDF 276 KB
Proposed demolition of Founders Theatre Ref: 273493/2022
Final response - LGOIMA
PDF 1.1 MB
Data on illegal dumping and fines over the past five years Ref: 292602/2022
Final response / LGOIMA
PDF 920 KB
amount of potholes and the cost of fixing them for the years 2019 - 2022 Ref: 285565/2022
Final response / LGOIMA
PDF 1.2 MB
Dog attacks on people and intervention and consequences taken as a result Ref: 287255/2022
Final response / LGOIMA
PDF 1.1 MB
Stats relating to dogs that entered into councils care for the past five years Ref: 287232/2022
Final response / LGOIMA
PDF 955 KB
Confirmation of whether the annual report or the table provided with LGOIMA 290757 Ref: 306049/2022
Final repsonse / LGOIMA
PDF 229 KB
Confirmation of whether the annual report or the table provided with LGOIMA 290757 Ref: 306049/2023
Final response / LGOIMA
PDF 229 KB
TPU Information relating to office space working from home and stationary Ref: 319396/2023
Final response / LGOIMA
PDF 660 KB
Link to the ME Hamilton Residential Capacity Model 2022 report Ref: 330236/2023
Final response - LGOIMA
PDF 2.8 MB