Showing 11-20 of 8107 results
Environment and sustainability
Explore what we’re doing to enhance and protect the environment, and how you can play a part.
Parking and transport
Find out about transport, parking, road safety, travel planning, and moving around Hamilton safely and easily.
Property, rates, and building
Search for property information and find out about rates, resource and building consents, compliance, development contributions, and water services.
Your city
Visit Hamilton’s top spots or run an event, learn about our work to develop the city’s economy and how to share your voice, and explore key data and statistics.
Strategies, plans, and projects
Look at Council’s key strategies and plans, and find out how we’re putting them into action to help our city grow sustainably and make it a great place to live, work, play and visit.
Your Council
Meet the people who govern or work for Council, and find out about our meetings, how to request official information, and what to do in an emergency situation.
Do it online
Needing to apply, pay, report or request something with Council? Find it here.
City wide community
We are working to develop our parks, natural areas, sports and pool facilities, libraries, household recycling and waste collection, and our visitor destinations.
City wide waters
We’re maintaining and developing our water network to provide essential water, wastewater and stormwater services for Hamiltonians today and in future.
Rotokauri greenway
The Rotokauri greenway will manage and treat stormwater in Rotokauri, improve natural habitats, and provide a public recreation area for residents.