- Arts and culture
- Cemeteries
- Community support and funding
- Dogs and other animals
- Environment and sustainability
- Licenses and permits
- Parking and transport
- Parks, recreation, and community spaces
Property, rates, and building
- Property
- Rates
Resource consents
- What you need to know about resource consents
- Resource consent checklist
- Pre-application meeting
- Applying for a resource consent
- Subdivision
- Monitoring resource consent conditions
- Request a time extension to a resource consent
- Change or cancel resource consent conditions
- Approving a resource consent application
- Resource consent objections and appeals
- Publicly notified resource consents
- Submitting feedback on a resource consent application
- Building consents and information
- Regional Infrastructure Technical Specifications
- Dangerous and insanitary buildings
- Building warrant of fitness (BWoF)
- Swimming pool monitoring
- Apply for a certificate of acceptance
- Earthquake-prone buildings
- Report unauthorised building work
- Apply for a vehicle crossing
- Three waters management
- Public space design guidelines
- Building consenting - Kodiak Consulting Limited
Development contributions
- What you need to know about development contributions
- Estimating your development contribution
- Policy and supporting documents
- Request for reconsideration of assessed charges
- Request an Actual Demand remission
- Request a central city remission
- Request a community housing remission
- Request a Te Ture Whenua Māori Remission
- Request a Special Assessment
- Request a refund
- Objecting to assessed charges
- Water services
- District Plan
- Strategies, plans, and projects
Your city
- Our city's economy
- Visitor destinations
- City events
- Share your voice
Data and statistics
- Understanding our community
- Understanding our city
- Understanding our economy
- Understanding your Council
- Keeping our city safe
Your Council
- About Council
- Calendar
- Speaking at meetings and presenting petitions
Council and committees
- Infrastructure and Transport Committee
- Strategic Growth and District Plan Committee
- Finance and Monitoring Committee
- Economic Development Committee
- Community and Natural Environment Committee
- Community Grants Allocation Subcommittee
- Regulatory and Hearings Committee
- Dog Control Hearings Panel
- Traffic, Speed Limits and Road Closures Hearings Panel
- Strategic Risk and Assurance Committee
- Chief Executive Review Committee
- Public excluded resolutions
- Policies, bylaws, and legislation
- Reforms
- News
- Work for Council
- Elections and representation
- Make an official information request
- Submissions to other organisations
- Public notices
Fees and charges
- Animal Education and Control fees and charges
- Building Control fees and charges
- Bylaw fees and charges
- Cemeteries fees and charges
- Urban and Spatial Planning fees and charges
- Alcohol Licencing fees and charges
- Governance fees and charges
- Food Safety and Public Health fees and charges
- Hamilton Gardens fees and charges
- Libraries fees and charges
- Hamilton Zoo fees and charges
- Waikato Museum fees and charges
- Parking fees and charges
- Parks and Open Spaces fees and charges
- Planning Guidance fees and charges
- Sports Parks fees and charges
- Transport fees and charges
- Wastewater, Stormwater and Water fees and charges
- Water Supply fees and charges
- Customer Services fees and charges
- Rubbish and Recycling fees and charges
- Waste Minimisation fees and charges
- Community Facilities fees and charges
- Civil Defence Emergency Management