Regional strategies and plans Waikato ngaa rautaki me ngaa mahere
We work with partners and agencies across the region to help guide us and ensure alignment to improve the wellbeing of…
Strategies Ngaa rautaki
Everything we do is aimed at improving the wellbeing of Hamiltonians. View the Vision and Strategies which guide…
Plans Ngaa mahere
These plans give action to our vision and strategies and outline our roadmap to get there.
Long-Term Plan Ka hua. Ka puaawai. Ka ora.
The Long-Term Plan is developed every three years, and sets the projects, budget and financial strategy for 10 years.
Annual Plan Maahere-aa-tau
We develop an annual plan in the years between each Long-Term Plan, to outline any changes or additions.
Annual Reports
Each year, the Council produces a report that demonstrates how we performed against our financial plan and other…
Projects Ngaa hinonga
Discover programmes and projects underway to carry our city into the future.
Last updated 7 July 2022