We want a city that’s easy to live in, explore, and connect.

What we will focus on:

  1. We’ll prioritise building connected and safe walkways and cycleways that allow us to move around our city quickly and easily and bring neighbourhoods together.
  2. We’ll revitalise our existing neighbourhoods and invest in the creation of our new neighbourhoods to make sure we have a liveable, sustainable city.
  3. We’ll encourage new developments in Hamilton Kirikiriroa to include a mix of housing, including affordable housing options.
  4. We’ll enable and support strong public transport connections that help Hamiltonians get easy access to essential services such as education, health centres and supermarkets.
  5. We’ll put more focus on our neighbourhoods having community identity and supporting community spaces across our city.

Council's operating budget for 2024/25 is $445.8 million. The operating costs to deliver Priority 1 are $129.6 million.

*The $445.8 million operating budget excludes $8.3 million in support unit costs that are not allocated to any specific priority.

An aerial view of the Ruakura interchange

Here are the projects we’re proposing to do for Priority 1 over the next 10 years, and what our everyday costs in 2024/25 will be. You can also see the projects we’re proposing not to fund in the Long-Term Plan.

Funded – unless otherwise stated these figures have not been adjusted for inflation

Net 10-year total cost (000s)
Ruakura Programme We're connecting the Ruakura economic hub with surrounding neighbourhoods and the wider city. This includes delivering the Ruakura East Transport Corridor which will connect Ruakura Road to the Fifth Avenue extension. This new route will make it safer for Hamiltonians to get around and will be a big step in developing Ruakura as a new neighbourhood. 

Rototuna Programme We’re delivering the final road connections in Rototuna to the transport network. New roads and pathways will make sure new communities can get around safely, no matter how they choose to travel. This work includes connecting Kay Road and Bourn Brook Avenue, as well as completing the Borman Road connection. We’re also transforming rural roads to an urban standard along sections of Borman Road, Horsham Downs Road and River Road between Te Huia Drive and Kay Road. $32,415 
Rotokauri Programme We're investing in the future transport network for the new community that will call northwest Rotokauri home. Plans for new main and connecting roads will be confirmed through the Rotokauri Arterial Designation. We'll realign the current intersection of Arthur Porter Drive/Te Kowhai Road to an intersection with traffic lights, before Onion Road is connected to Arthur Porter Drive to improve the safety and connectivity of the industrial area. We'll also make Rotokauri Road and Brymer Road urban roads with new footpaths and street lights.   $44,491 
Onion Road Realignment This project will build the new connection between Onion Road and Arthur Porter Drive that was designated in 2018.   $19,091 
Central City Programme By 2035, Hamilton's central city and surrounding area is expected to grow by around 4,000 homes, housing up to 10,800 residents. Projects under this priority will support this growth by making improvements on our central city transport network, as well as through specific projects like creating welcoming public spaces and theatre access for pedestrians at Sapper Moore-Jones Place by the new theatre, as well as the build of a pedestrian bridge across the Waikato River.   $18,699 
Hillcrest Community Library Hub This project will upgrade the Hillcrest Library in 2027/28. Expanding the library will mean we can increase our collection size, create a 'makerspace' area and offer more books and products for our community to discover and enjoy. $11,700 
Public transport Improvements Over the next 30 years, we expect 260,000 people will call our city home. This funding helps us to deliver the public transport portion of the Access Hamilton strategy, Hamilton's transport strategy. It will provide high quality, priority infrastructure to improve public transport reliability and frequency.  $25,306
Transport Road to Zero safety programme This is a programme to help deliver the Road to Zero strategy, which aims to have zero deaths and serious injuries by 2050. This includes introducing separated walking and cycling lanes to roads, traffic calming, clear lighting, and path definitions. $24,500
Local roads programme This funding is allocated to general road improvements and upgrades around Hamilton. $13,725
Walking and cycling improvement programme This programme upgrades pedestrian facilities like pedestrian crossings, footpaths, accessibility and biking connectivity around Hamilton.  $9,800
Providing more safer routes for biking, scooting and skating This funding contributes towards creating safer routes for bikes, scooters and skateboards, providing more transport options for Hamiltonians in a safe and accessible way. $19,600
Parking management Parking management looks after how we manage our street space in a way that is fair, preserves the urban amenity we enjoy, and ensures our transport pathways are safe and reliable to get around. We need to make sure we provide enough parking for everyone, particularly those with mobility impairments, and create a transport network with more travel options. $713
452 Eastern Pathways - Central City to Uni This is part of our Eastern Pathways programme and is directly related to the new walking and cycling bridge connections. $6,600 
452 Eastern pathways - School Link This is part of our Eastern Pathways programme and will provide safer walking, cycling, and public transport routes for 9500 students along Hukanui Road and Peachgrove Road. This project provides micromobility options to get children out and about using active modes of transport. $13,426 
Peacocke programme Projects in the Peacocke programme under this priority will deliver a new bridge, main roads, and strategic water, wastewater and stormwater networks. This includes building a road to connect Peacockes Road in the east with ​Ohaupo Road/State Highway 3 in the west, and building the associated three waters connections. Roads in the area will also be urbanised, adding footpaths, kerbs, and so on. A new strategic wastewater network will include a pump station in Peacocke and 7.5km of pipelines to connect with the city’s existing wastewater network. $143,605 
Renewals - aquatic facilities (adjusted for inflation) As well as new projects, a big part of what we do is looking after what we've got. Our renewals and compliance programme makes sure we replace our assets to a modern standard in order to meet community expectations and compliance needs. $42,116
Renewals - libraries (adjusted for inflation) As well as new projects, a big part of what we do is looking after what we've got. Our renewals and compliance programme makes sure we replace our assets to a modern standard in order to meet community expectations and compliance needs. $36,744
Renewals - transport network (adjusted for inflation) As well as new projects, a big part of what we do is looking after what we've got. Our renewals and compliance programme makes sure we replace our assets to a modern standard in order to meet community expectations and compliance needs. $521,183


Net 10-year total cost
Aquatics - Future Network Provision of Pools  This programme seeks to deliver on the strategic direction and recent needs assessment. Works include additional pools at Waterworld (25m and training zone) and Gallagher Aquatic Centre (leisure, hydrotherapy, spa/sauna, and gym). $28,296 
Aquatics - Visitor Experience Improvements  Programme of works focused on delivering Aquatics Strategy by improving the visitor experience at Waterworld and Gallagher Aquatic Centre. The outcomes aim to achieve inclusivity and accessibility of the sites through projects which improve reach to sectors of community, enable more visitors to access features, and encourage and educate about safe water play. $29,444 
Community Library Hub Development Programme B  Continuation of the strategic community library hub model transition programme. This project focuses on the Central library and aligns with the façade renewals work (weather-tightness) to increase the community hub elements available to the existing footprint through efficiencies. $6,604 
Libraries - Inclusivity & Equitable Offering Programme  This programme implements the strategic direction including reflecting our communities and extending the reach of library services. Works include community outreach network to enable library access in suburbs between libraries, e.g. Enderley, technology for library information and education, and accessibility elements. $1,743 
North-East Pool This proposal seeks to deliver a Council owned and operated pool complex based on the needs analysis.  This is a larger pool and more comprehensive offering than the previous proposal.  It includes a hydrotherapy pool and other services to meet changing community needs. $72,864 
Rototuna Pool This proposal is in line with the proposal in the previous LTP where Council will build a pool once an operator is on board to buy the built pool from Council. This is a smaller scale pool than recommended in the recent aquatic and indoor recreation needs analysis. $0 
452 Biking and Micromobility Projects Citywide - Community Links  To deliver community link biking and micromobility routes/projects as per the Biking and Micromobility Business Case.  $66,742 
452 Biking and Micromobility Strategic Routes Programme B  To deliver strategic biking and micromobility projects on strategic biking routes as per the Biking and Micromobility Business Case. Subject to funding including NZTA subsidy. $6,537 
452 Eastern Pathways - CBD to Uni (Clyde St to CBD) B  To deliver an improved transport corridor for active modes and public transport as per the Central City to Uni Link Business Case. To deliver public transport infrastructure to support high frequency public transport services as per the Regional Public Transport Plan.
To deliver improved walking connections. To deliver a strategic biking and micromobility route as per the Biking and Micromobility Business Case. To deliver safety improvements along the corridor and at intersections.  
452 Eastern Pathways - CBD to Uni Link (Clyde to University)  To deliver an improved transport corridor for active modes and public transport as per the Central City to Uni Link Business Case. To deliver public transport infrastructure to support high frequency PT services as per the Regional Public Transport Plan. To deliver improved walking connections. To deliver a strategic biking and micromobility route as per the Biking & Micromobility Business Case. To deliver safety improvements along the corridor and at intersections.   $42,273 
452 Eastern Pathways - School Link - Hukanui Road & Peachgrove stg 2  To deliver an improved transport corridor for active modes and public transport as per the School Link Business Case. To deliver public transport infrastructure to support PT services as per the Regional Public Transport Plan. To deliver improved walking connections. To deliver a strategic biking and micromobility route as per the Biking & Micromobility Business Case. To deliver safety improvements along the corridor and at intersections.   $99,192 
452 Eastern Pathways - School Link (Peachgrove Rd)  To deliver an improved transport corridor for active modes and public transport as per the School Link Business Case. To deliver public transport infrastructure to support public transport services as per the Regional Public Transport Plan. To deliver improved walking connections. To deliver a strategic biking and micromobility route as per the Biking and Micromobility Business Case. To deliver safety improvements along the corridor and at intersections. $8,870 
Active Modes River Crossing - St. Andrews  To deliver a new standalone active modes bridge as per the Biking and Micromobility Business Case. $127,364 
Alexandra Street Upgrade A  This will see first 120 metres of Alexandra Street from Hood Street beautified to complement the Union Square development. Could be the first streetscape to include the Central City Design Guides. Safe crossing point outside Union Square laneway. $6,300 
Alexandra Street Upgrade B  Continuation of the beautification from Union Square carpark through to the roundabout with Caro Street and Worley Place with same look and feel as previous section to reflect the Central City Design Guide standards. Safe crossing with pedestrian priority and safety table at roundabout.
Amenity planting along corridor.
Arthur Porter Drive Realignment Budget of $15m likely requirement for year 1 and 2 land acquisition responding to designation obligations.  This has been removed to a Recommended project and will become a priority call on new Strategic Property budget. Budget for realignment work programmed to commence year 8. Part of Rotokauri west-east arterial network required for employment zone.   $30,588 
Bridge Improvements  Seismic improvements to various bridges as identified in bridge structural inspections.  $8,350 
Caro St Upgrade  Same look and feel as upgrade of Alexandra Street.
Caro Street repurposed to provide additional car parks that will be lost along Alexandra Street as a result of planting and pedestrian improvements. Pavement in this area needing renewal (mill & fill of asphalt included, with deeper pavement rehab excluded).
Central City Transport Improvements  Upgrade central city road network to reflect the Central City Design Guide standards $284,351 
Collingwood Street Upgrade (Alexandra to Victoria)  Increasing the width of footpaths to provide outside dining opportunities. Same look and feel as upgrade of Alexandra Street. $7,182 
Cross City Connector - Mid Whitiora to Heaphy For land purchase, design and construction of a cross-city corridor, post designation, from an area east of Whitiora bridge to Heaphy Terrace $52,209 
Cross City Connector - Ulster to Greenwood For design and construction of a cross-city corridor, from an area between Ulster Street to Greenwood Street.
This is part of program of an improvement program providing safer access for alternative modes.
Cross City Connector - Whitiora Bridge For land purchase, design and construction of a cross-city corridor, post designation, from Ulster Street to the eastern side of the Whitiora Bridge $31,866 
Cross City Connector Designation - Ulster to Wairere  Designation for the Ulster Street to Wairere drive component of the Cross City Connector Corridor to provide the strategic transport and utilities connection for a East-West across the city.   $1,409 
Footpath Renewal - Central City Enhanced  Additional funding to improve streetscape to the Central City Design Guide standards in conjunction with planned footpath renewals. $25,051 
Hall Road Urban Upgrade Hall Road is already subject to current and planned development pressure.  An urban upgrade will support a safe connection to Whatukooruru Drive for all modes. The northern connection is necessary to allow for safety improvements or the closure of the dangerous Hall Road intersection with Ohaupo Road SH3 (part of recommended programme).
Not contractually committed.  
LCLR - Cycling - Biking and MM Strategic Routes  This is a programme of works to improve biking and micromobility infrastructure connections across the city valued at less than $2m per site. Projects include new cycling infrastructure to fill gaps in the network, pedestrian/cycle crossing upgrades, bike parks, and bike wayfinding signage as per the Biking and Micromobility Business Case.
The projects will be agreed with Council on an annual basis. 
LCLR - Local Roads Programme B  To deliver a programme of low-cost projects to improve the levels of service for existing local roads. Subject to funding including Waka Kotahi subsidy.   $3,069 
LCLR - Public Transport Improvements Programme B  To deliver minor bus stop infrastructure improvements such as accessible kerbs and concrete pads for bus patrons to stand on when waiting for a bus. To deliver new bus shelters across the city in high demand areas. Subject to funding including Waka Kotahi subsidy.   $1,534 
LCLR - Road to Zero Programme B  To deliver a programme of safety intervention projects across the city to reduce the trauma and harm from road crashes. Subject to funding including Waka Kotahi subsidy. Sites have been agreed with Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency based on crash risk. $18,974 
LCLR - Walking and Cycling - Biking End of Trip Facilities  To deliver end of trip secure parking facilities for biking and scootering as per the Biking & Micromobility Business Case. $2,112 
LCLR - Walking Programme B  To deliver a programme of projects across the city to support walking, safe crossings especially outside schools and shops to improve connectivity and accessibility. Subject to funding including NZTA subsidy.   $13,143 
Major Intersection Improvements  To deliver a programme of major of intersection upgrades (beyond the $2m threshold of the Low Cost Low Risk programme) to improve safety, walking and cycling connections, and reduce the trauma and harm from road crashes. $44,473 
Morrinsville Road 7003.0 Arterial Upgrade Designation  Morrinsville Road (SH26) will soon have its State Highway status was revoked and subsequently be vested to HCC by Waka Kotahi in 2024. 
This project includes the designation of the road to plan and protect for the arterial function of the road.  
Morrinsville Road 7003.1 Arterial Urban Upgrade  This project is for land purchase, design and construction, post designation to upgrade of a portion of the Morrinsville road corridor to urban standards.  $12,583 
Morrinsville Road 7003.2 Arterial Urban Upgrade  This project is for land purchase, design and construction, post designation to upgrade of a portion of the Morrinsville road corridor to urban standards.  $13,285 
MSP Bus Rapid Transit CBD - East  Bus rapid transit infrastructure and land/property purchase (city centre to Ruakura). $75,493 
MSP Bus Rapid Transit CBD - North - Anglesea to Vardon  Bus rapid transit infrastructure and land/property purchase (city centre to Vardon). $70,726 
MSP Bus Rapid Transit CBD - North - Vardon to Te Awa Lakes  Bus rapid transit infrastructure and land/property purchase (Vardon northbound). $75,276 
MSP Bus Rapid Transit CBD - South  Bus rapid transit infrastructure and land/property purchase (city centre to airport). $28,534 
Nature in the City - Transport Network  To replace trees which are removed because they have caused footpath damage. More appropriate species are planted following the footpath replacement work completion. This aligns with the intention of the Nature in the City programme.   $5,010 
Northern River crossing stage 1  Post the designation of the Northern River crossing between Koura Drive to Resolution drive. This is the first stage of land purchase, design and construction the extents between Koura Drive to Te Rapa road within the Te Rapa growth cell $35,713 
Northern River crossing stage 2  Post the designation of the Northern River crossing between Koura Drive to Resolution drive. This is the second stage of land purchase, design and construction the extents between Te Rapa road and new Waikato river crossing to River Road. $44,341 
North-South Arterial from East-West Arterial to Peacocke Road Development in the vicinity of Hall Road – investigation and land to enable wastewater. Not contractually committed – pushed to back end of LTP.   $32,942 
Ohaupo Road Urbanisation As development progresses south of the new roundabout, there will be an increasing need for urban road connectivity to support walking and cycling safely. The key driver for this activity is for gravity wastewater connections. The timing of transport need depends on the Southern Links state highway implementation. In the short/medium term, transport may be provided for through the local network in the current Peacocke subdivisions but wastewater is likely to be required earlier. $2,083 
Orbiter Improvements  To deliver public transport infrastructure projects to support the high frequency Orbiter service as per the Regional Public Transport Plan. $16,300 
Peacocke Developer Upsize Programme There will be a need for budgets to enable efficient provision for making roads and pipes the right size for wider development as subdivision progresses. In the first few years, the current minor arterial projects provide for most developer connections.  The proposal includes a low level of funding initially, increasing once development progresses to the areas not directly serviced after HIF projects are complete. $25,875 
PT Hub Improvements  To deliver public transport hub improvements to support public transport services as per the Regional Public Transport Plan.
Hubs to include bus charging and driver rest facilities.
PT Interchanges  To deliver public transport interchanges to support public transport services as per the Regional Public Transport Plan. Interchanges to include bus charging and driver rest facilities along with space for 6+ bus parking and waiting facilities for passengers. $36,441 
Road 623.1 - Norton Road  Closing off Norton Rd between Seddon roundabout and Tristram Street, and redirecting traffic down Rostrevor Street. Enables safety improvements at Norton/Tristram to address the cycle fatality there a year ago. Reflects the West Town Belt Master Plan proposal for decreased traffic crossing the ‘green belt’ and links to the redevelopment of Boyes Park. $6,533 
Road 803.1 - Rostrevor Street  Upgrade of Tristram/Rostrevor intersection to enable closing off Norton Road between Seddon roundabout and Tristram Street and redirecting traffic down Rostrevor Street. Enables safety improvements at Norton/Tristram to address the cycle fatality there a year ago. Reflects the West Town Belt Master Plan proposal for decreased traffic crossing the ‘green belt’ and links to the redevelopment of Boyes Park. $5,904 
Rotokauri Stage 1 Collector Upsize Budget to work with developers to upsize local roads to collectors mostly in the southern areas around Rotokauri Road, west of Te Wetini Drive. $18,697 
Rotokauri Transport Upsize Programme Budget to upsize local roads to collectors. This budget is for Crawford Street and extension of The Boulevard. $1,985 
Rototuna Transport Hub Development of a bus-based transport hub in Rototuna aligned with the Metro Spatial Plan. Part of North City Road Bourne Brook to Kay (Turakina Rise bypass) is to create a bus layby area. $8,041 
RT1 - Comet B  Work to enable increased frequency of bus services along strategic routes. Leads into full Bus Rapid Transit implementation. $47,842 
RT2 - Meteor B  Work to enable increased frequency of bus services along strategic routes. Leads into full Bus Rapid Transit implementation. $30,901 
Ruakura Arterial Upsize Upgrades to the Ruakura Arterial network including 4-laning Pardoa Boulevard and upsizing Webb Drive. $13,130 
Ruakura Railway Hub Development of a passenger railway hub at Ruakura in accordance with strategic planning. $7,268 
Sump Filter Stormwater Compliance Programme  For the installation of filter pods in existing catchpits (sumps) to improve cleaning of stormwater prior to it entering water courses and the river. Required to ensure we met our water discharge consent requirements. $4,799 
Te Kowhai/Rotokauri Arterial New Build Budget to work with developers (if possible) to build the remaining section of north-south arterial from the Hounsell property boundary to the designated east west arterial, and to build the eastern section of the east west arterial to connect with the Arthur Porter Drive project. $32,581 
Te Rapa Urban Upgrade + 4 Laning Road 6000.1  This project is to urbanise the extents of Te Rapa Road from Church Road to Ruffell Road including 4 laning the corridor.
This is to provide capacity, safety and network improvements to support growth in Te Rapa.
Te Rapa Urban Upgrade + 4 Laning Road 6000.2  This project is to urbanise the extents of Te Rapa Road from Ruffell Road to Hutchinson Road including 4 laning the corridor.
This is to provide capacity, safety and network improvements to support growth in Te Rapa.
Transport Centre Improvements  To deliver improvements to support public transport services at the Hamilton Transport Centre. $12,999 
Wairere Dr 4 Laning - Arthur Porter to Te Rapa  4 laning of the section of Wairere Drive from Arthur Porter Drive to Te Rapa Road. Project includes design and construction improvement of the rail overbridge, adding additional lanes to the current corridor providing capacity and opportunities for T2/bus lanes and improving walking and cycling. $20,721 
Wairere Dr 4 Laning - Hukanui to Gordonton  4 laning of the section of Wairere Drive from Hukanui Road to Gordonton Road. Project includes Land, design and construction  improvement to intersections, adding additional lanes to the current corridor providing capacity and opportunities for T2/bus lanes. $24,018 
Wairere Dr 4 Laning - Resolution to Hukanui  4 laning of the section of Wairere Drive from Resolution Drive to Hukanui Road. Project includes Land design and construction improvement to intersections, adding additional lanes to the current corridor providing capacity and opportunities for T2/bus lanes.   $20,838 
Wairere Dr 4 Laning - Ruakura to Cambridge  4 laning of the section of Wairere Drive from Ruakura Road to Cambridge Drive. Project includes Land design and construction improvement to intersections, adding additional lanes to the current corridor providing capacity and opportunities for T2/bus lanes. $18,631 

Operating (everyday) costs

Unit Long-Term Plan Year 1 2024/25 budget
Community services $27,140
Transport 102,502

Here are the projects we’re proposing to do for Priority 1 over the next 10 years, and what our everyday costs in 2024/25 will be. You can also see the projects we’re proposing not to fund in the Long-Term Plan.

Funded – these figures have been adjusted for inflation

Net 10-year total cost (000s)
Ruakura Programme We're connecting the Ruakura economic hub with surrounding neighbourhoods and the wider city. This includes delivering the Ruakura East Transport Corridor which will connect Ruakura Road to the Fifth Avenue extension. This new route will make it safer for Hamiltonians to get around and will be a big step in developing Ruakura as a new neighbourhood.

Rototuna Programme We’re delivering the final road connections in Rototuna to the transport network. New roads and pathways will make sure new communities can get around safely, no matter how they choose to travel. This work includes connecting Kay Road and Bourn Brook Avenue, as well as completing the Borman Road connection. We’re also transforming rural roads to an urban standard along sections of Borman Road, Horsham Downs Road and River Road between Te Huia Drive and Kay Road. $42,400,737
Rotokauri Programme We're investing in the future transport network for the new community that will call northwest Rotokauri home. Plans for new main and connecting roads will be confirmed through the Rotokauri Arterial Designation. We'll realign the current intersection of Arthur Porter Drive/Te Kowhai Road to an intersection with traffic lights, before Onion Road is connected to Arthur Porter Drive to improve the safety and connectivity of the industrial area. We'll also make Rotokauri Road and Brymer Road urban roads with new footpaths and street lights. $51,823,338
Onion Road Realignment This project will build the new connection between Onion Road and Arthur Porter Drive that was designated in 2018.   $22,724,271 
Central City Programme By 2035, Hamilton's central city and surrounding area is expected to grow by around 4,000 homes, housing up to 10,800 residents. Projects under this priority will support this growth by making improvements on our central city transport network, as well as through specific projects like creating welcoming public spaces and theatre access for pedestrians at Sapper Moore-Jones Place by the new theatre, as well as the build of a pedestrian bridge across the Waikato River.   $25,055,489
Hillcrest Community Library Hub This project will upgrade the Hillcrest Library in 2027/28. Expanding the library will mean we can increase our collection size, create a 'makerspace' area and offer more books and products for our community to discover and enjoy. $15,390,236
Public transport Improvements Over the next 30 years, we expect 260,000 people will call our city home. This funding helps us to deliver the public transport portion of the Access Hamilton strategy, Hamilton's transport strategy. It will provide high quality, priority infrastructure to improve public transport reliability and frequency. $31,596,817
Transport Road to Zero safety programme This is a programme to help deliver the Road to Zero strategy, which aims to have zero deaths and serious injuries by 2050. This includes introducing separated walking and cycling lanes to roads, traffic calming, clear lighting, and path definitions. $30,687,307
Local road upgrades This funding is allocated to general road improvements and upgrades around Hamilton. $17,343,262
Walking and cycling improvement programme This programme upgrades pedestrian facilities like pedestrian crossings, footpaths, accessibility and biking connectivity around Hamilton.  $12,274,923
Providing more safer routes for biking, scooting and skating This funding contributes towards creating safer routes for bikes, scooters and skateboards, providing more transport options for Hamiltonians in a safe and accessible way. $24,549,846
Parking management Parking management looks after how we manage our street space in a way that is fair, preserves the urban amenity we enjoy, and ensures our transport pathways are safe and reliable to get around. We need to make sure we provide enough parking for everyone, particularly those with mobility impairments, and create a transport network with more travel options. $838,754
Eastern pathways - School Link This is part of our Eastern Pathways programme and will provide safer walking, cycling, and public transport routes for 9500 students along Hukanui Road and Peachgrove Road. This project provides micromobility options to get children out and about using active modes of transport. $14,483,788
Peacocke programme Projects in the Peacocke programme under this priority will deliver a new bridge, main roads, and strategic water, wastewater and stormwater networks. This includes building a road to connect Peacockes Road in the east with ​Ohaupo Road/State Highway 3 in the west, and building the associated three waters connections. Roads in the area will also be urbanised, adding footpaths, kerbs, and so on. A new strategic wastewater network will include a pump station in Peacocke and 7.5km of pipelines to connect with the city’s existing wastewater network. $161,465,247
Renewals - transport network (adjusted for inflation) As well as new projects, a big part of what we do is looking after what we've got. Our renewals and compliance programme makes sure we replace our assets to a modern standard in order to meet community expectations and compliance needs. $301,426,654
Renewals - Community Services (adjusted for inflation) As well as new projects, a big part of what we do is looking after what we've got. Our renewals and compliance programme makes sure we replace our assets to a modern standard in order to meet community expectations and compliance needs. $77,297,575
Renewals - Support Services (adjusted for inflation) As well as new projects, a big part of what we do is looking after what we've got. Our renewals and compliance programme makes sure we replace our assets to a modern standard in order to meet community expectations and compliance needs. $174,086,556
Hamilton Transport model The Hamilton Transport Model is a meso transport model of the wider Hamilton area supported by the Waikato Regional Transport Model business case. The model is jointly funded by Council, New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi and Waikato Regional Council. $697,803
Waikato Regional Traffic Model The Waikato Regional Traffic Model is a strategic transport model that encompasses the wider Waikato Region. It is necessary to reflect the growth and network changes for all TLAs to assess the effects on the transport network when changes such as new developments and upgrades to the existing transport network are made.
This funding is Council's share to rebuild and update the model onto a new platform.
Claudelands Events Centre power resilience project
The Claudelands Events Centre power resilience project will ensure continuous functionality in the venue’s primary areas (Exhibition Halls, Arena and Conference Centre) in the event of a power failure. As well as enabling events to proceed seamlessly despite any potential power supply issues, the project will provide important power resilience to Claudelands Events Centre as one of the city’s key Civil Defence Centres. $651,000
Northern river crossing
This project is for working towards a designation that will provide the footprint for a future strategic transport and utilities connection between Koura Drive and Resolution Drive linking the Te Rapa growth cell through the HT1 growth cell to Rototuna. With growth in Rototuna and the Waikato Expressway connections, Wairere Drive and the Pukete Bridge will reach capacity. This future corridor will provide additional capacity. $2,972,145
Onion Road realignment
Following the designation of the new road, this project is to undertake detailed design and construction which will support the network connecting the Waikato Expressway to the Te Rapa North growth cell. $265,238
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