Project Summary

What we're doing

We are making some changes in and around Bader to make it safer for people to bike into the city and easier for more people to catch the bus in this area. 

Proposed improvements include upgrades to intersections and parts of Lorne Street and Bader Street with safer crossings and new bus stops to support a future extension of the popular Comet bus service, which crosses the city linking the hospital to The Base.

Why we're doing it

Bader is an important part of our city’s biking network. It links people to employment areas in and around central Hamilton and Waikato Hospital, and it is the gateway from the western suburbs to Melville Park, Waikato River and Hamilton Gardens.  

The project will also create biking connections to the Te Awa River Ride and Western Rail Trail. 

It is a project funded by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency’s Transport Choices programme that will help create a connected network across the city, supporting Council’s move to a low emissions transport system in response to climate change. 

What does this look like?

What we’re planning for Bader Street

  • Install a separated two-way cycleway on the northern side of Bader Street to allow people on bikes to ride in both directions on the same side of the street
  • Create a more attractive space outside the Bader Street shops by widening the footpath and designing a greener street with planter boxes and landscaping
  • Upgrade the existing raised safety platform outside the Bader Street shops into a raised pedestrian crossing
  • Remove four of the 27 angled car parks outside the Bader Street shops, and replace one of them with a mobility car park
  • Install an in-lane bus stop on the northern side of Bader Street and upgrade the kerbside bus stop on the southern side of Bader Street with a bus shelter
  • Install a raised crossing for pedestrians and people on bikes to the east of Montgomery Crescent.


What we’re planning for Lorne Street

  • Upgrade the Lorne Street/Ohaupo Road signalised intersection with crossings for people on bikes
  • Add two raised zebra crossings on the left turn slip lanes from Ohaupo Road onto Kahikatea Drive, and from Kahikatea Drive onto Ohaupo Road
  • Widen the footpath into a shared path outside the Lorne Street shops, while retaining the existing three car parks
  • Install a protected, two-way cycleway on the southern side of Lorne Street to allow people on bikes to ride in both directions on the same side of the street
  • Add a raised signalised crossing on Lorne Street to provide a safe connection between St Peters Park and the Jones Crescent alleyway for pedestrians and people on bikes
  • Install an in-lane bus stop on the southern side of Lorne Street and a kerbside bus stop on the northern side of Lorne Street, including bus shelters.
  • Upgrade the signalised pedestrian crossing at the intersection of Lorne Street and Normandy Avenue with a crossing for people on bikes
  • Retain parking on the northern side of Lorne Street.

What we’re planning for Cobham Drive

  • Widen and extend the shared path in Melville Park between Allenby Street and Cobham Drive
  • Improve the Allenby Street alleyway by removing vegetation and graffiti, and installing lighting
  • Provide pedestrian lighting and wayfinding signage in Melville Park
  • Add a raised zebra crossing on the left turn slip lane from Cobham Drive onto Normandy Avenue
  • Replace the two existing signalised pedestrian crossings on Cobham Drive with one signalised crossing for pedestrians and people on bikes
  • Build a shared path to connect Cobham Drive to Te Awa River Ride.

This project will

  • Improve biking and pedestrian safety

  • Ensure connectivity to the Western Rail Trail

  • Allow for future growth in city-wide bike network

Where are we at

  • Stage 1 - Planning

    July 2023

    Public feedback closed on 1 August 2023, and the project has moved to the design phase.
  • Stage 2 - Underway

    February 2024

    With final design and construction approval from Waka Kotahi, we expect work to begin in February 2024.
  • Stage 3 - Completed

    May 2024

    Our goal is to complete the project by May 2024. All projects in the Transport Choices programme will be completed by June 2024.
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Last updated 12 March 2024