Project Summary

What we're doing

We are planning some changes to Killarney Road to make it easier and safer for people to bike and walk, and to improve parking arrangements to support local businesses.

The upgrades include:

  • a separated two-way cycleway on the northern side of Killarney Road, protecting people on bikes from traffic
  • raised crossings on Colombo Street and Ellis Street, to slow down vehicles and help people cross safely
  • a signalised, raised crossing on Killarney Road (between Colombo Street and Ellis Street), making it safer for people to cross the road and helping with traffic flow from side streets onto Killarney Road
  • parallel parking on the northern side of Killarney Road, on the outer edge of the two-way cycleway
  • retention of parking on the southern side of Killarney Road, enabled by the two-way cycleway on the northern side of the road
  • low maintenance landscaping near side streets on the northern side of Killarney Road
  • accessibility upgrade to the bus stops near the intersection of Killarney Road and Ellis Street.

Map showing the proposed improvements for Killarney Road. The improvements include a two-way cycleway, bike lane separator,  speed humps and raised pedestrian and cycle crossings.

Why we're doing it

Killarney Road is a high priority route in Hamilton’s citywide bike network plan, linking Dinsdale and Frankton to Innes Common, the Western Rail Trail and the central city. We also want to improve Killarney Road for the local businesses, and change parking arrangements to balance their needs.

This project is funded by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency’s Transport Choices programme, which will help create a connected network across the city, supporting Council’s move to a low emissions transport system in response to climate change.

This project will

  • Provide safer place to bike or walk

  • Better connectivity between city and suburbs

  • Improve accessibility to bus service

Where are we at

  • Stage 1 - Planning

    September 2023

    Public feedback has closed, and the project has moved to the design phase. It will be considered by the Council’s Infrastructure and Transport Committee for…
  • Stage 2 - Underway

    January 2024

    With final design and construction approval from Waka Kotahi, we expect work to begin in early 2024.
  • Stage 3 - Completed

    February 2024

    Our goal is to complete the project by February 2024. All projects in the Transport Choices programme will be completed by June 2024.

Frequently asked questions

Will these changes make it safer to ride a bike?

A separated cycleway on the northern side of the road protects people on bikes from trafficPutting on-street parking on the outside of the two-way cycleway improves visibility of people on bikes. Removing the painted cycle lanes on the southern side of the road removes potential conflict points for people on bikes. 

Will these changes make it safer to walk?

Feedback showed a few businesses often saw groups of people using wheelchairs, mobility scooters and walkers in the area. They felt it was not safe for people to walk in the area. We are proposing raised pedestrian crossings across Colombo Street and Ellis Street on the northern side of the road to improve pedestrian safety. 

Will it be safe for vehicles to access business premises?

An independent safety review found there were no serious or significant risks with this project. A safe transport system is a key outcome of our transport strategy, and we won't compromise to deliver transport projects. Driveway widths are being maintained to ensure vehicles can access business sites. 

Will there be fewer parking spots?

There will be a reduction of 10 on-street parking spaces on the northern side of Killarney Road. There will be no parking loss on the southern side of the road. 

What considerations are there for people with disabilities?

The upgrades we are planning will make it safer for people with disabilities to travel along Killarney Road and reach other destinations such as the Western Rail Trail, Lake Domain, or the central city.  

Raised pedestrian and cycling crossings on Ellis Street and Colombo Street will slow traffic and increase visibility. The raised crossings also provide a level pathway for anyone with a physical disability to move from one side of the street to the other, without having to negotiating dips in the road. 

Upgrading bus stop infrastructure will also make it easier for people with disabilities to use buses. 

Will these upgrades cause more congestion?

No. Providing alternative transport options that support people to make changes to the way they travel is important. Providing a better-balanced transport system with options that reduce the need to drive or own a car is increasingly important to ensure population and economic growth don’t translate into more congestion, more emissions and ultimately less successful and liveable cities. 

How much will all this cost, how can council afford it?

Transport Choices projects are funded up to 90% by the Climate Emergency Response Fund (CERF), not taxpayer or road user charges. Councils fund the balance of project costs. Funding for Transport Choices is administered by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency.  

  • Killarney Road street improvements budget, $1.9 million. Council’s share is $190,000. 
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Last updated 23 January 2025