Project Summary

What we're doing

We’ve made changes to the Lake Road and Commerce Street intersection in Frankton to make it safer and more convenient for people to walk, bike and bus through the area.

The upgrades include:

  • a new roundabout to help manage traffic flows and make it easier for the bus to travel through the intersection
  • four raised zebra crossings around the roundabout to slow vehicles down and help pedestrians cross the road safely
  • a raised zebra crossing across Rawhiti Street at the Lake Road end
  • build out some of the kerbs to improve accessibility for bus users and make it safer for pedestrians.

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Why we're doing it

The changes made to the intersection allow for Waikato Regional Council’s new Meteor bus service to travel through the area, connecting the Frankton to the central city. It has also provided a much calmer environment to help people cross the busy roads safely.

Image of the intersection upgrades at the Lake Road / Commerce Street roundabout

Image of the pedestrian crossing at Rawhiti Road

The project is funded by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency's Transport Choices programme and will help create a connected network across the city, supporting Council's move to a low emissions transport system in response to climate change.

This project will

  • Improve biking and pedestrian safety

  • Infrastructure for accessible bus service

  • More options to travel to other destinations

Where are we at

  • Stage 1 - Planning

    June 2023

    Public feedback has closed, and the project underwent more detailed design.
  • Stage 2 - Underway

    July 2023

    Works began mid-July and took about 12 weeks to complete. Most of these work took place at night, Monday to Thursday, 6pm - 6am.
  • Stage 3 - Completed

    September 2023

    This project started in mid-July 2023 and was completed in early September 2023. All projects in the Transport Choices programme will be completed by June 2024.
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Last updated 20 September 2023