Project Summary

What we're doing

We’re working on completing a missing link in Hamilton’s footpath network and improving access for pedestrians along River Road between the Kirikiriroa Bridge and Day’s Park.

The upgrades will include:

  • a 1.3km footpath on the western side of River Road between Wairere Drive and Comries Road, with a timber boardwalk where required to protect tree roots
  • two raised, signalised crossings outside 982 and near 1086 River Road – including yellow, no-stopping lines 20m either side of the crossing.
  • the removal of one tree at each of the following locations on River Road:
    • Outside 1101
    • Opposite 1082
    • Opposite 1076
    • Outside 1025
  • the removal of two trees opposite 1060 River Road
  • removing the hedge outside 1101 River Road and low planting outside 1055 River Road
  • removing trees in front of 1019 and 1015, and replacing with new planting behind the footpath
  • removing two existing trees outside 1033, and replacing with new planting behind the footpath
  • removing an existing tree outside 1011, and replacing with new tree behind the footpath
  • removal of trees opposite 992 and 996
  • removing one tree and relocating one tree in front of 953
  • trimming and tidying of the rest of the trees along the western side of River Road
  • kerb build out at Swarbrick Landing exit.

Why we're doing it

The changes are designed to create calmer streets and a more connected and walkable neighbourhood.  It will also complete a missing link in our footpath network and provide improved access for pedestrians to local destinations such as the Waikato River, Swarbricks Landing and Day’s Park. 

This project is funded by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency’s Transport Choices programme, and it will help create a connected network across the city, supporting Council’s move to a low emissions transport system in response to climate change.


This project will

  • Improve pedestrian access on River Road

  • Create a safer place to walk or bike

  • Connect people with local destinations

Where are we at

  • Stage 1 - Planning

    September 2023

    Public feedback has closed, and the project has moved to the design phase. It will be considered by the Council’s Infrastructure and Transport Committee for…
  • Stage 2 - Underway

    April 2024

    With final design and construction approval from Waka Kotahi, we expect work to begin in April 2024.
  • Stage 3 - Completed

    June 2024

    Our goal is to complete the project by June 2024. All projects in the Transport Choices programme will be completed by June 2024.
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Last updated 12 March 2024