Project Summary

What we're doing

We’re working on upgrading footpaths to improve walking connections from Palmerston Street near the St Peters Tennis Club into the central city.

The upgrades will include:

  • a raised, signalised crossing on Tristram Street
  • a raised crossing on Clarence Street for pedestrians and people on bikes
  • a kerb extension to remove the slip lane to ensure vehicles turning left from Tristram Street onto Clarence Street are moving at safer speeds
  • building a kerb island on Clarence Street to reinforce safer vehicle speeds when turning left onto Tristram Street
  • widening the footpath into a shared path on the western side of Tristram Street between Clarence Street and Cobham Drive
  • widening the footpath into a shared path for a short section on the eastern side of Tristram Street.

Why we're doing it

The speed and volume of traffic on Tristram Street has made it difficult for people walking and biking to gain access - from Palmerston Street and Clarence Street - to the central city. This project will provide a safe connection from Palmerston Street to Clarence Street, and a signalised crossing on Tristram Street will enable everyone to cross the street easily.

This work was identified as part of a joint public transport route improvement study completed with the Waikato Regional Council.

This project is funded by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency’s Transport Choices programme, and it will help create a connected network across the city, supporting Council’s move to a low emissions transport system in response to climate change.

This project will

  • Provide safer place walkers, bikers

  • Create safer pathway across busy intersections

  • Better connectivity with neighbouring streets

Where are we at

  • Stage 1 - Planning

    September 2023

    Public feedback has closed, and the project has moved to the design phase.
  • Stage 2 - Underway

    February 2024

    With final design and construction approval from Waka Kotahi, we expect work to begin in early 2024.
  • Stage 3 - Completed

    March 2024

    Our goal is to complete the project by March 2024. All projects in the Transport Choices programme will be completed by June 2024.
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Last updated 12 March 2024