Project summary

What we're doing

Steele Park is the premier park in Hamilton East and one of the oldest in Hamilton Kirikiriroa. 

We’ll be demolishing the old Steele Park toilets and changing rooms soon. They’ve reached the end of their life with all but the toilets currently closed to the public. 

This is to make way for new modern and fully accessible toilets, parent rooms and space for local and community sports clubs. 

It’s taken a while to get to this point due to delays from COVID-19 and, more recently, work to protect some of the hundred-year-old heritage oak trees that border the park. 

When we remove the old facilities, there will be a pause while we assess the new building pile locations and root protection zones of trees to meet resource consent obligations. Find out more about how we protect trees.

With a rich history, today the park is a hub for a range of social, community and sport activities all year round. 

Along with the facility upgrade, we're adding a footpath along the Wellington Street side of the park and creating a pedestrian crossing across Grey Street. 

This project will

  • Remove the old toilets and changing rooms

  • Provide facility lighting and improve visibility between the playground and toilets

  • Have space for local and community sports clubs

Where we're at with progress

  • Stage 1 - Planning


    Funding set aside from Councils 2021-31 Long-Term Plan. Community consultation (2020) was completed, and designs were created from this.
  • Stage 2 - Underway

    August 2023

    Construction of the new facility is underway. When we remove the old facilities, there will be a pause while we complete further building and tree assessments.
  • Stage 3 - Completed


    The facility opens to public.

Frequently asked questions

Why are you doing these works?

The pavilion, changing rooms and toilets have reached the end of their life with all but the toilets currently closed to the public. The design and orientation of the existing buildings do not provide a safe and welcoming place for the public to use and currently do not meet the needs of the users.

Will there be any enhancements to the playground?

This project is only to redevelop the facilities zone (toilets, changing rooms, club storage). The entry to Grey Street, any upgrades or new play spaces are not within the scope of the project.

How will you protect the trees?

The oak trees (protected heritage trees) are a stunning feature of Steele Park and we have planned our construction to be as careful as possible to avoid any damage to their large root system. 

We (Council) are not exempt from our own rules when it comes to building projects and protecting our heritage so there has been lots of planning to make sure we have the right techniques to ensure the trees are adequately protected during the physical works. This means the construction timeline is longer than a straightforward build. 

Find out about how we protect notable trees here 

While all the protected oak trees will stay, there will be two Japanese Elm trees (not protected) which need to come out to allow us space to do the new work. 

Will you have interim public toilets during the works?

Yes. While construction is underway, Council will bring in temporary facilities which will include three unisex and one accessible toilet.

How is this project being funded?

$2.3 million was allocated in the 2021-31 Long-Term Plan to upgrade the facilities.

Where are alternative sports fields we can use while these works are carried out?

  • Contact your local club
  • Check here for alternative fields you can use.


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Last updated 23 January 2025