Project summary

In the summer of 2023/24, we’ll be working on three sites to protect residents and the environment in the event of an overflow from nearby wastewater pump stations.

These projects are in Sycamore Place and Matipo Crescent in Pukete and on River Road opposite Riverview Terrace. We already have multiple warning systems, but we’re installing tanks to provide extra security to minimise the impact of overflows on properties or the environment. The tanks will hold wastewater if there’s a pump station outage.

The works will reduce the risk of overflows into the environment and ensure compliance with current technical standards.

This is a localised project, protecting properties in the immediate area of each pump station, and the wider receiving environment. It’s not part of the city’s growth programmes – Council has a separate programme of works to build capacity in our waters networks to support sustainable growth.

Works are planned between November 2023 and May 2024. The detailed timing for each site has now been confirmed and we are communicating directly with residents in the areas. The more complex River Road project started in November and is likely to conclude early-mid 2024. Works on the Matipo and Sycamore sites are programmed to start from March and will take around eight weeks at each site.

In simple terms, we’ll be digging a hole in the road, placing pre-manufactured pipes and tanks, and connecting to the nearby pump station and network. The road will then be resurfaced, and the surrounding area tidied up.

This project will

  • Protect public health and the environment

  • Reflect customer and mana whenua priorities

  • Ensure we meet technical standards

Project features

  • Resilience

    Part of our ongoing city-wide programme to improve resilience and reduce risk of overflows at wastewater pumpstations.
  • Protects properties

    Protects nearby properties if there's a pump blockage or loss of power to the pump station
  • Reduce disruption

    Pre-manufactured components reduce worksite time and disruption for residents and traffic flows

Where we're at with progress

  • Stage 1 - Planning


    Site selection, funding prioritisation and initial design
  • Stage 2 - Planning

    Mid-late 2023

    Final design, tender process and construction award
  • Stage 3 - Underway

    Late 2023 - 2024

    Construction, installation, integrating into network and site remediation

Frequently asked questions

Will the storage tanks be smelly?

We don’t expect any odour issues due to these works. The storage pipe is connected to the existing wastewater pump station, like the current pipe network is. Odour controls for the existing pump station will be assessed and upgraded if needed during these works. The pipes and tanks will only be used if there’s a pump blockage or loss of power to the pump station - most of the time the emergency storage pipes and tanks will be empty.

How long will the works go on for?

Timing will depend on the site but we expect the Matipo and Sycamore sites will take five to eight weeks, and around three months for River Road.

What will the disruption be like at my property?

It will be similar to disruption caused by rebuilding a road. Machinery will dig up the road surface, cart away excess material and construction equipment and cranes will be used to install the components.

Will the digging cause vibration at my house?

Any large construction works in the road may cause vibration at times. The level will depend on the type of work and the soil type in the area. Before we start we’ll visit nearby homeowners and do an assessment of properties to identify any issues which may arise from the works.

Who can I talk to for more information?

Prior to works you can contact Council’s service desk on 07 838 6699. Project manager contacts will be available once the contracts are in place. We’ll update residents with further information before works begin.


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Last updated 18 November 2024