Silverdale Road signalised crossing upgrade
Suburb: Silverdale
Status: Planning
Southern Links
Southern Links is the future state highway and local arterial road network in the southern part of the city.
Suburb: Peacocke
Status: Planning
Te Aroha/Ruakura Safety Improvements
We’re better connecting eastern Hamilton to the city centre, providing safer cycling and walking options and…
Suburb: Hamilton East
Status: Planning
Wairere Drive/Bisley Road crossing upgrade
We’re making improvements to the pedestrian crossings at the intersection of Bisley Road and Wairere Drive.
Suburb: Enderley
Status: Planning
Wellington Street Beach improvements
We're upgrading the parkland above one of Hamilton's favourite beaches
Suburb: Hamilton East
Status: Planning
Bike and scooter parking
We’re installing facilities so people can change how they travel mid-journey. This includes safe, covered, and well-lit…
Suburb: City-wide
Status: Underway
Borman Road connection
Connecting the Rototuna community
Suburb: Rototuna North
Status: Underway
Boyes Park redevelopment
A multi-purpose park in the heart of the central city.
Suburb: Hamilton Central
Status: Underway
Central City Development
We're working with our partners to build a liveable central city that people can call home, businesses can thrive in…
Suburb: Hamilton Central
Status: Underway
Central city water projects
Find out how we’re quenching the central city’s thirst for growth.
Suburb: Hamilton Central
Status: Underway