City Waters Viewer
Explore geographic data and information about council water, stormwater and wastewater infrastructure in Hamilton
Animal Education and Control Open Data
The doggy data our Animal Education and Control Team collects is freely available to anyone curious about our pooch…
To meet regional council requirements, Hamilton City Council has an ongoing programme to understand the effects of a…
Water quality
Hamilton City Council is committed to providing Hamilton with safe, high quality Aa grade…
Monitoring the District Plan
Monitoring the efficiency and effectiveness of policies, rules or other methods is an important part of the…
Our emissions
Explore the emissions of our entire city as well as Council operation emissions.
Traffic volumes
We undertake regular traffic counts throughout the city. This information is used for monitoring trends and planning…
Cycling and micromobility volumes
We undertake regular traffic counts throughout the city. This information is used for monitoring trends and planning…
CBD pedestrian volumes
We want to have a central city that has strong connections to the Waikato River and has increasing levels of activity…
Last updated 7 June 2022