A vibrant city centre
A central city that has strong connections to the Waikato River and has increasing levels of activity and investment…
A hierarchy of distinctive business centres
Distinct business centres, each with a unique identity and function. A business hierarchy that will enable the central…
Efficient operation of industrial zones
Thriving industrial activity within industrial zones that contributes to the social and economic wellbeing of Hamilton…
A compact sustainable urban form
Well-designed subdivisions and a range of housing sizes, locations and densities to meet the needs of the community.
A connected network of open spaces
An increased number of high quality and accessible, connected open spaces
Enhanced community connections with the Waikato River and gully systems
The Waikato River and gully systems are connected to the city and provide a high quality environment for community use…
The District Plan provides the framework to shape the future character, form and structure of the city as well as protecting and improving those things that we value. It sets out the objectives, policies and rules for developing and using land in the city.
The results of the monitoring strategy will help Council identify which parts of the District Plan are successful at achieving the desired outcomes (effectiveness) and whether these outcomes are being achieved at either the lowest cost and/or the greatest benefit to the wider Hamilton community (efficiency).
Last updated 19 July 2022