Contractor health and safety pre-qualification
Before contractors work on our sites, we need sufficient information from them to ensure they have suitable health and safety systems and practices in place. Gaining qualification through the following nationally recognised prequalification providers below, will allow the contractor the opportunity to work for Council.
Depending on the work activities you will undertake, you may be classified as a low-risk work contractor or a high-risk work contractor. If you are carrying out physical works, you will automatically be classified as a high-risk work contractor. All contractors engaging in high-risk work with Council are required to be pre-qualified. Council defines low-risk contractors as those who are a desk-based consultant or a contractor with a low-risk profile (not carrying out physical work, for example courier driver). These low-risk contractors are exempt from participating in Council’s contractor health and safety pre-qualification requirements, however, are still required to provide evidence of competency (qualifications, experience, training). If you are unsure which category you fit into, please contact your Council representative. If you are on Council’s approved contractor database for work in the low-risk category, you cannot carry out work in the high-risk category without going through the high-risk pre-qualification approval process.
Contractor Management
Last updated 27 July 2023