New Zealand is known as the shaky isles and Hamilton is no exception. View our liquefaction study.
Severe weather
Hamilton is vulnerable to severe storms including cyclones and tornadoes.
COVID-19 has shown us how vulnerable we can be, and another pandemic may affect us in the future.
Extreme rainfall is increasing, and we are prone to flooding from severe weather patterns, especially tropical cyclones and depressions. View our flood hazard areas
Lifeline disruption
Modern life is reliant on a range of services, the infrastructure that provides services such as electricity could fail.
Large urban and wild fires can affect Hamilton at any time.
Mass casualty
As a large city and major transportation hub, mass casualty could occur in Hamilton.
Chemical spills
Hamilton has a major hazard facility and hazardous substances are transported through the city regularly.
Climate change
Weather patterns are changing, and extreme weather events are becoming more intense, and more common.
As a major city, Hamilton may be impacted by a terrorism incident.
Volcanic ashfall
Volcanic ashfall from volcanoes in Auckland, Tongariro or Taranaki is a real possibility.
A major drought may limit our drinking water supplies from the Waikato River.
Last updated 21 June 2022