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The Infrastructure and Transport Committee is responsible for guiding and monitoring the core infrastructure and services in particular relating to transport, three waters and waste management, to meet the current and future needs of the city and to enhance the wellbeing of its communities and much more.

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The below reports are currently planned for discussion within this meeting: 

CERF Funding Approval Request - The purpose of the report is to update the Infrastructure & Transport Committee on the Climate Emergency Response Fund (CERF) Transport Choices Initiative and the list of projects to be delivered and the Biking & Micro-Mobility Business Case since it was endorsed by the Waka Kotahi Board.

Waste Management and Minimisation Plan Review - To inform the committee of the proposed process and timeline to review the 2018 Waste Management and Minimisation Plan (WMMP) as required by the Waste Minimisation Act.

Low Cost Low Risk Programme - Update on 2022/23 programme of approval or 2023/24 programme - This report provides an update on changes made to the 2022/23 programme for information and seeks approval of the 2023/24 programme.

Ratify HCC Submission on Waka Kotahi Interim Speed Management Plan - The purpose of this report is to approve the ratification of the HCC submission on Waka Kotahi Interim Speed Management Plan.

Waikato Expressway - Impact on Local Road Network - This purpose of this report is to inform the Infrastructure and Transport Committee on the results of monitoring undertaken on the Hamilton City transport network since the opening of the Hamilton Section of the Waikato Expressway and to seek approval for safety improvements at the intersection of Gordonton Road / Wairere Drive intersection to proceed as part of the Low Cost Low Risk 2022/23 programme.

Project Watershed Update - To inform the Infrastructure and Transport Committee on the progress towards updating the service level agreement between HCC and WRC in relation to Project Watershed Update.

Please note that this list of reports is not final and may change prior to the meeting. 


Want to know the outcomes of the meeting? You can watch the meeting live or watch a recording once the meeting is over below.  


Just need to know the decisions? Read and download the minutes of the meeting as soon as they're available. We'll upload the draft, unconfirmed and confirmed minutes as soon as we can. 


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