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The governance structure including Council and Committees, broadly, provides leadership and advocacy on behalf of the people of Hamilton. This includes making decisions on the vision for our city and specific powers granted under the Local Government Act 2002.
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The below reports are currently planned for discussion within this meeting:
9 Callard Place - Encumbrance - To request Council’s approval to discharge an encumbrance on the title for 9 Callard Place, as requested by the owner, that was registered in terms of a Feb 2000 Council resolution.
Triennial Agreement - To seek approval from the Council of the 2022-25 Triennial Agreement.
Delegations to Positions Policy - The purpose of this report is to seek the Council’s approval of the changes to the Delegations to Positions Policy, including alignment with the approved 2022-25 Governance Structure, updated language and format for clarity, and amend financial delegations to ensure more effective and efficient decision making.
Please note that this list of reports is not final and may change prior to the meeting.
Just need to know the decisions? Read and download the minutes of the meeting as soon as they're available. We'll upload the draft, unconfirmed and confirmed minutes as soon as we can.