
Councillor Mark Donovan

Deputy Chair

Councillor Ewan Wilson


Deputy Mayor Angela O’Leary

Councillor Maxine van Oosten

Councillor Moko Tauariki

Councillor Louise Hutt

Councillor Andrew Bydder

Councillor Anna Casey-Cox

Councillor Melaina Huaki

Councillor Geoff Taylor

Councillor Tim Macindoe


As required


Three members (for matters relating to those functions in paragraph 3 and 4 below).

Five members for all other functions.


Regulatory and Hearings Committee: 

  • Hears and determines any statutory or regulatory hearings under relevant legislation unless otherwise delegated by Council, including (but without limitation):
    • objections under the Dog Control Act 1996;
    • matters regarding drainage and works on private land under the Local Government Act 1974 and Local Government Act 2002;
    • proposals for temporary closure of any road.
  • Considers and determines traffic and speed limit related matters, including those detailed in the Traffic Bylaw and Speed Management Plan, including hearing any submissions relating to those proposed changes.
  • Hears and determines matters arising under current bylaws and policies, including applications for dispensation from compliance with the requirements of bylaws or policies, unless such matters are otherwise delegated by Council.
  • Hears and determines other matters that require hearings or submissions, as referred by Council or other Committees.
  • Approves matters determined by the Committee within its Terms of Reference.
  • Approves the establishment of hearings panels and their terms of reference.

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Last updated 9 October 2023