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Partnership with local iwi and mana whenua has informed key decision making at Hamilton City Council’s Community Committee yesterday (14 June).

The Committee adopted changes to its Naming of Roads, Open Spaces and Council Facilities Policy and approved te reo Maaori names for new parks in Rototuna and Rotokauri that celebrate the diverse history of the city.

These decisions support Council’s commitment that ‘te reo Maaori is seen, heard and celebrated throughout the city’, an outcome of He Pou Manawa Ora – the strategy that supports the aspirations of Maaori and the wider Hamilton community.

The strategy’s work plan was also approved at the same meeting, with the changes to the Policy, the first activity completed in the plan.

Changes to the Policy will see mana whenua have a more meaningful role in the naming of new streets in the city.

Other key changes include:

  • alignment with the outcomes and objectives of He Pou Manawa Ora.
  • timing of mana whenua engagement increased from 10 days to 12 weeks and encouraged to happen earlier in the development process.
  • the ability to provide up to three names for a new road name application, together with the outcomes of mana whenua engagement.

No changes were proposed for the process to rename existing roads and the updated Policy is operational from 14 June.

Council has also approved te reo Maaori names for a new pocket park and a future sports park that reflect the rich history and cultural significance of the whenua (land).

Tuna Kai is the name of the small pocket park on Tenille Street, in Rototuna in recognition of the traditional food source in the area.

Whakapakari meaning ‘to enhance, to strengthen, to endure’, has been gifted for a  6.4ha future sports park on Rotokauri Road.

More information for the new park names

Tuna Kai Park, Tenille Street, Rototuna
Traditionally tuna (eel) was a popular food source for Maaori and in the Rototuna area tuna was a plentiful and stable food source from local creeks and streams. Tuna Kai Park reflects the history of the area and can be simply translated to ‘harvest of eel’.

Whakapakari Park, Rotokauri
The kupu (word) whakapakari is part of a well-known declaration from the second Maaori king, Taawhiao Matutaera Pootatau Te Wherowhero. King Taawhiao made the following statement at the end of 1864 Waikato land wars to inspire his people to grow strong, overcome challenges and rebuild with the resources they had available.

Maakuu anoo hei hanga i tooku nei whare,
Ko ngaa pou o roto he maahoe, he patatee, ko te taahuhu he hiinau. Ngaa tamariki o roto me whakatupu ki te hua o te rengarenga, me whakapakari ki te hua o te kawariki

– Kiingi Taawhiao

I shall fashion my own house,
The poles within will be made of mahoe and patatee, and the ridge pole made of hiinau. The children within will be raised on the fruit of the rengarenga and strengthened on the fruit of the kawariki


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